38: We are Pure Love

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38: "Like a peach!"

    "I like you!"

    Looking at the boy who was blushing and looked at him with hope, Ruri didn't know what to show.

    Now even if I think about it with my toes, I know that Akashi Junpei has fallen in love with him hopelessly.

    Who would have thought that a person who was a complete enemy a minute ago would be eager to confess to him in a blink of an eye... What kind of thing is this?

    Ruri felt a headache, and she thought about it, but it really didn't count that someone would be eavesdropping behind her.

    But he remembered that he was closed. Could it be that Akashi Junpei followed him all the way?

    It's useless to think about it now, Ruri looked at Junpei Akashi who was holding him tightly, and calmly thought about the countermeasures.

    Fortunately, Akashi Junpei has no force value, and even if he wants to kill him out of love, he has no such ability at all.

    If it really doesn't work, he just violently beats Junpei towards Akashi, and knocks people out first!

    Anyway, it can be an excuse to say that it is self-defense.

    But thinking that this poor child has been tortured for a long time because of him, and that he was ruthlessly educated by his own relatives, Akashi Seijuro, Ruri smiled bitterly, and suddenly couldn't bear to do it.

    He decided that he wanted to make a case for it and see if he could talk to Junpei Akashi.

    "Calm down." He stared straight into Akashi Junpei's eyes, and calmly explained, "Do you still remember that you and I were enemies, you don't hate me the most, how could you like me? It 's just blinding!"

    He slowed down his tone: "Think about what you thought about me before, recall it, and think slowly..."

    Following his whispers, Akashi Junpei's eyes flashed blankly, and he listened to him. thought about the order.

    It's just that before Ruli could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw that he had once again strengthened his beliefs and looked at her with a sincere look.

    "Everything I do to you is just because I want to arouse your interest."

    "Now I finally understand that this feeling is not disgust, but love!"

    "I'm so stupid, really. Why? I didn't notice it at all before, this intention is so obvious!"

    Akashi Junpei said excitedly, his eyes overflowing with sincere admiration.

    However, Ruri, who was confessed, was not happy at all, and even the corners of her mouth twitched and she wanted to complain.

    No, that hateful feeling is real! !

    You just hate me so much!

    It's useless to say more, obviously, such Akashi Junpei can't listen to any advice at all.

    Only those with strong mental strength can find their original thoughts, and Akashi Junpei is not in this category.

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