🥐The Sound Of Music (BowBotxGoo)🥐

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Plot: BowBot teaches Goo what real music sounds like (Platonic)

No one's POV

It had been just a few hours since mephones last challenge and Bowbot was hanging out with Goo. The to friends were chatting and gossiping while building a puzzle when one song switched to the next bowbot perked up "Oh I love this song!!" They said (Ive been seeing alot of head cannons that BowBot is trans so i'll mainly use they/them pronouns for this chapter incase you have that head cannon) BowBot happily started to sing along with the lyrics "I've never heard this song before" Goo admitted making BowBots jaw drop (:O) "REALLY!? THIS IS LIKE THE BESTEST SONG EVER" BowBot said "Do you atleast know who sings it!?" BowBot said eagerly "Nope!" Goo said with a chuckle "This will NOT do. Its time you learned Goo what real music sounds like" and with that the two spent the next few hours deep diving into what the best genres of music were and learning all the lyrics to BowBots favorite songs and obsessing over the best music artists. Gawking at all the awards they've won and their biggest hits but most importantly having the time of their lives enjoying eachothers presence.

207 words! Shorter than last time I know but why does it matter to you
>:( Also this is posted before midnight where I an so it was posted a day after the last one therfore I have posted once for the past three? days.

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