❤️Look out for these hits!❤️

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Memorial: It's official, rip 'And Now They're All Furries' 😔✊️ you will, personally, not be missed

Update (7/2/23):
•Deleted finished chapters

•Updated descriptions, notes, etc. for existing drafts

•Experiment 626 (Test Tube)

Kinda somewhat inspired by one of the Inanimate Analysis experiments, but with yin yang and experiment 626, I don't want to spoil too much

Might not ever leave my drafts tbh

•This is like Thanksgiving with my parents (Tacophone)

Mic invites Taco to Thanksgiving with everyone else at Hotel OJ. Got the idea from a writer's block prompt: 'Think of a celebrity you dislike, now imagine a family member brought them as a date to Christmas dinner'

(I have since grown out of Mic x Taco as most people do... sorry, this might get deleted.)

•Who spilled the beans!? (Baxter)

Based on another writer's block prompt. 'What if your favorite pet could talk?' I imagined that a lot of people just rant to Baxter because he can't repeat any of it. Until he could. Then, he learns the concept of money and starts to charge people for blackmail 🤩🤭

I have actually been thinking about this some more and might make it like that talking dog from Tik Tok. Who knows, I might also just not finish it.

• Parent's day (Everyone)

As the title suggests, the contestant's families come to visit!

Oh my God, this is going to be like 6000 words by the time I finish. That's if it's halfway finished now 😐

(Oof, this and my payjay oneshot be fighting for my longest chapter rn)

Double oof I am re writing this and might make it a whole ass book full of eliminations and stuff... ooo

•Put A Pot On For Me, Actually, Make That A Kettle

Tea kettle x Lifering

Tea Kettle owns a diner, fight me 😤

This was hardly even a draft, but I'm actually writing plot for this, and WOAH, it might make it out alive!!

•A Metaphoric Battle


Paper and his insane side portrayed a bit differently

Hermnabhsjd. I didn't like this when I made it, I don't like it now, and I will probably dislike it until the day I delete it, too.

•And our combined skills work

Despite what you might think It's not lightbrush, it's actually some of the cast learning to stage fight and then posting it for some of that 🤑💸💰🪙 If you know what I mean (Fans theater kid skills, test tube filming, Trophy being a pretty good actor and ripped, knifes ability to pick a fight with anyone and everyone, paintbrushes temper, and so on)

Actually.... no gameshow AU?

•We Don't Need DNA to Be Family

5 times Nickel rejected the sinkers as his family and the 1 time he embraced them.

Since the making of 'Mommas Gotcha', I find this theme to be a bit repetitive, so I might scratch this one.

•Hanahaki Disease

Trophy x Cheesy, self explanitor6. Kinda hate this one, ngl

I actually dislike this one a decent amount and might have to throw this one to the dumps.

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