🥐Vivid memories (Tomatoe ONE)🥐

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Plot: tomatoe is older and is recalling some odd and very vivid memories (it is confirmed that tomatoes real name is Charlie)

No one's POV

"God you look like hell!" A smaller orange object nudged the taller object "Heh yeah i haven't been getting much sleel" Charlie admitted "Why not?" A taller female object asked, a worried look on her face "Ive been having... weird? Dreams" the tomatoe said, rubbing his neck "I i love analyzing dreams!" The smaller object said "You are such a nerd Payton" the taller said (theese people are very random, not OC's) "Whatever at keast I can help" Payton shot back "Anyways, bak to what you were saying Charlie" "Its just... theese dreams are so... hiw do i put it... realistic? It feels like I've... actually done theese things before, actually been there experiencing it... y'know?" Charlie said, kicking a pebble infront of him "Like... scary realistic?" The taller said "No Samantha obviously its a very happy dream!" Payton responded sarcastically "Not scary.. wel it is scary but like i dont feel scared" Charlie sighed "Just forget it" he said walking farther infront of the group "No! Keep goingyou have to tell us" Samantha said catching up "Yeah" Payton added "Its affecting you and we need to fix that!" "Well... I remeber being young... like baby young" Charlie said "And you were conscious?" Payton asked "Thats whats got me so mixed up. I think its real and i think that it happened but im not even sure i can think that far back" Samantha put a hand on Charlie's shoulder "Hey, i doesnt need to be true. This is just to get it off your chest" she said offering a kind smile, Charlie gladly returned it "I remember the place was bright and it was just like... plain? There wasnt like buildings or anything" "like an island! Maybe?" Payton chirped "Yeah but... i rember being high up enougj it there wasnt an ocean... just went on into the horizon" Charlie said "Being high up enough... what does that mean?" Samantha looked at Charlie puzzled and concerned "I... i dont really remember... all that i know is i was high up, i know that because i remeber-" Charlie suddenly stopped "I remeber the... t-the poles!" He said, his breath quickening "Hey calm down!" Samantha grabbed Charlie's shoulders trying to get his attention "The poles!" He said again, his knees buckled underneath him "Oh my god..." Charlie started to cry, Payton sat next to the two rubbing Charlie's back in an attempt to calm him "The poles... The people!" Charlie shot up "I remeber! There were other people!" Charlie suddenly brought a hand to his face, he looked sickly "The people... him... He saved me! Or tried to... oh i think im gonna be sick!" Payton helped position Charlie so he wouldn't puke all over himself "Im... im not alive..." Charlie said finally "Your insane Charlie! Of course you're alive!" Samantha yelled trying to snap him out of it "No... No! No no no no no!" Iit was Charlie's turn to yell "No! Im not! I was crushed by that pole! I remember him yelling at me, he was th only one who did anything!" Charlie was sobbing now "Who Charlie! Who? Who could have possibly been in that place with you at that moment to witness you die!" Samantha yelled shaking Charlies shoulders "Backpack..." Charlie whispered "Backpack? Your absolutely mad charlie no one names their child backpack!" Samantha kept yelling "This isnt funny anymore! This was just supposed to be tour stupid dream that was keeping you up at night! Not some stupid traumatic event!" "Backpack... A candle and some peice of molding bread! And and..." Charlie inhaled sharply. He looked to his left before leaping up and running down the street "Charlie!" Payton and Samantha got up and ran after him "Charlie! Stop!" Samantha yelled but Charlie kept going. He crossed the street without looking and pushed past people on the side walk. Samantha blurted out apologies as she ran past people as well. "Charlie slow down!" Payton said wheezing, the three of them had caught the attention of just about everyone on the street. "Stop it Charlie! You need to go home!" Samantha was crying by now, this was not the ideal Friday. They were supposed to go to Charlie's and hang out not run down the street yelling at eachother over some stupid dream. Stopped at a poster board. "Charlie..." Samantha said gasping for breath "what..." Payton said doubled over completely winded "the hell..." he finished. Charlie was just looking blankly at the board "Charlie... is this what you wanted us to see?" Samantha said taking an ad off the board "Really Charlie? This" she said pointing to the ad now in her hands "Is an ad for an icecream parlor" she said bitterly. Charlie started o rip off and push past random ads and newspaper articles until finally he pulled one off and just stared blankly at it "What..." Payton said looking over Charlie's shoulder "Backpack..." he said under his breath "Liam." Payton said pointing to the top of the paper "I... i rember falling... and dieing.. and i rember being crushed by a pole... right. In. Front. Of him. He saw me die... and he saw me be revived" Charlie said sternly "If you were crushed and if you fell and were revived you would have scars" Samantha said "No." Charlie said "i died... after falling... and being crushed.. it wasnt CPR" he said "I died and then he brought me back to life completely" Charlie finished "Him? Liam?" Samantha asked "No." Charlie said "Airy." He said coldly "Airy... Charlie this is nonsense" Payton said "Your right" Charlie said crumbling up the paper and throwing it over his shoulder "I mean i did say it was dream" he said walking off in the direction of his house "W-what?" Samantha said "Lets just go home, i feel a bit tired after running" He responded so... simply and so... calmly. Was this normal? For him? For anyone! Well these questions go unanswered as Charlie has since refused to talk about it since.

1031 words! Omg I made a chapter that wasn't about inanimate insanity woah so cool.

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