🥐Good night my dear🥐

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Momma test tube amd father fan content with a little baby TBD (not actual baby, i dunno why i need to mention that) because I said so


Ever since TBD found out about the whole 'being a robot' thing, well even before then, things were just... complicated.

For all of the few weeks they'd existed they were sure they were Bow! But.. they weren't, they made sure everyone knew that and yet they still weren't sure what they were. If not Bow then who? Bow's favorite color was pink but if they weren't Bow than what's their favorite color. Technically they were only a few months old so how old should they act?

They heard people call Goo a child even though he wasn't, were they like that? An adult but... childish? Could they be whatever age they wanted to be? Was it bad that they wanted to be a kid even if they were probably programed to be somewhere in their 20's? They felt like a child, especially now.

Walking, no, sneaking down the hallway with a stuffy clasped close to their chest. It was a lemur, one of those ones with long fluffy limbs, Fan got it for them. He said that they seemed like a lemur person.

Fan... that's where they were headed. He was kinda like their parent. That's kinda silly but... it brought them comfort in a way. Most normal people have parents... normality is comforting.

Normality... that's the farthest thing from whatever this is. TBD didn't feel like the nightmare was that scary anymore. Perhaps they could just turn back now and-

"TBD?" Despite their quite tone, the voice spooked them. Whipping around TBD stood face to face with Test Tube. She stood awkwardly, she was wearing plaid pants and a loose sci-fi shirt, it wasnt too different from the casual wear she had on the island. She had one hand occupied on the wall, the lack of glasses and darkness probably not the best mix for her eyesight, the other was holding a glass of water; She must have been spending the night in Fans room.

"Heyyy" TBD said awkwardly, pointing finger guns at Test Tube, to the best of their ability with full hands atleast "What are you doing up so late?" TBD gulped, finding their mouth quite dry "I Just- well... Mm" Though they weren't necessarily doing anything wrong, TBD felt as though they'd been caught red handedly.

"Are you okay?" TBD just shrugged their shoulders "I should probably just go back to my room.." TBD took a few steps forward before Test Tube stopped them with a hand to their shoulder. "You can.. stay a bit? If you want" She said, TBD nodded their head "Okay..." They said, though you'd have had to be listening real close to hear it

They felt like such an outcast in the room. It was Paintbrush and Fan's room, Test Tube was their friend and TBD... TBD was a fish out of water, no matter how close they wanted to be to their creators... They just couldn't. Or maybe they just wouldn't

A lamp dully lit the room, allowinf for TBD to see Fan sitting on his bed, paintbrush louging on their phone in the other bed "Hey..?" He said awkwardly, he probably wasn't expecting Test Tube to be back with another person, if you could even call TBD that. "Hi, TBD's just gonna join us for a bit is that okay?" Fan nodded and Test Tube crawled back into bed, before patting the spot next to her.

TBD awkwardly crawled between Fan and Test Tube "So, what brings you.. here, i guess" Shuffling under the weight of unfamiliar blankets and sheets, TBD mumbled "silly nightmare.." Test Tube nodded and gave a quite 'oh' "Well feel free to stay as long as you'd like" He said finally, moving pillows around to make space for TBD, before he shuffled under the blankets himself

Test Tube flicked the lamp off, but the room didn't go completely dark. A bunch of glow-in-the-dark stars littered the ceiling, even on Paintbrushes side. They were accompanied by some planets and other spacey themed things. Not only did the stockers provide light, but quite a few nightlight were plastered around. TBD could see the soft glow of one on the other side of Paintbrushes bed, not to mention the one on the nightstand that seemed designated to Test Tube and her things. And though they weren't turned on, TBD coukd see the faint outline of fairy lights all around the room.

Fan and Paintbrushes idea of decor kind of clashed. It created a messy and chaotic look in the room. Fan had many posters from shows he liked, creators that peeked his interests and even some music artist, Spoiled Lemon standing out like a sore thumb, whilst Paintbrush had elegant paintings and landscape images in their side. Sunrises and sunsets, starry nights and sunny day, tall mountains and flat plaines. Graceful woman from the modern century and daring men who seemed like they came from ages ago. And somewhere between their side and Fan's were a clash of photos of their friends, great moments in their lives or silly photos they thought were worth a laugh. There was so much stuff on the walls, you could hardly see the paint; Maybe that was the point, the paint was horrendous. Flags hung from the ceiling, and posters for Inanimate Insanity, and a few others that TBD didn't fully know.

The room was cluttered, chaotic.. comforting. It was far far from normal or perfect but it was so Fan and Paintbrush it almost screamed their names! TBD wondered if they had always been in rooms that looked like this, or maybe their parents figured they knew what was best and would make them tidy and free up space. Throwing out things they loved and cared for because their parents didn't share the same sentimental value within the items.

A small clatter broke TBD from their thoughts, it was just Paintbrush setting their phone down "Goodnight" They whispered with a yawn "Goodnight.." TBD whispered back, scootching just a tad more under the covers. Beside them, Fan snored softly and mumbled incoherently. Test Tube moved on her side, one hand near fans head and playing with his hair, the other on TBDs shoulder. "Goodnight" she whispered "sweet dreams, my dear"

and TBD smiled

It was chaotic and messy, everything,  but it was theirs, all of it, their family, their room, their life.

It wasn't perfect, nor was it normal but that brought a new found comfort.


1106 words

Sorry my absence guys, I just kinda fell off I guess </3


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