🥐Its Not Awkward... That Awkward Atleast🥐

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I've been really into found family content for some reason...

Knife and Suitcase have a bit of a father daughter moment ♡


(suitcase is amputated at around her elbows on both arms)

This is the shower rooms just an FYI(Yes this was lazily edited to be orange but do kindly, stfu ☺️)

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This is the shower rooms just an FYI
(Yes this was lazily edited to be orange but do kindly, stfu ☺️)


Suitcase was stinky (Wdym I don't take my work serious? Yes i do, this is serious.) She had put off showering long enough, tonight was the night she would actually do it.

She hated the showers. She hated that they were so public. She hated the water itself. She hated being naked. She hated it. She just did. There wasn't anything to enjoy about showering so Suitcase woukd wait and wait, she put ad much distance between each shower date as she could.

The hallways were dark, contrast to the showers. They were always bright. Like hospitals and dentists and the heavenly gates. Luckily for Suitcase they were also empty. Suitcase didn't feel like talking to anyone.

Suitcase took the stall farthest from the door and started the shower. The water at the hotel was probably the warmest water she'd ever felt. Not even the water from her own house could compare. Suitcase didn't know what made the hotel water so different from the water from her house, she couldnt tell you why one was warmer then the other, it just was.

Soon Suitcase was standing butt naked under the constant stream of a shower head. She hated it, she wanted to be done eve though she wasn't even halfway through showering. Nothing could be worse than this moment. Bothing at all. Well... except one thing.

Knife loved showering. He didn't like showering, no, he loved the feeling of warm water flowing over every inch of his body. He liked the clean feeling, despite what you might think. He liked the feeling of soap on his hair and the aroma of fresh woods and spices. Showering was like a... guilty pleasure  of sorts.

When Knife walked into the shower rooms it was odd to find some else was already there. He wasn't surprised because there was another erson per say but more of why they were there so late. It was almost 11, sure he was up but why woukd anyone else still be awake?

It was a bit off putting but Knife tried his best to ignore it, now wasn't the time to be worrying about other peoples sleeping habits. Knife took a stall a few away from the other person, it was a sort of respect. Knife knew he was no big friendly giant, he didn't look the part, he didn't act the part, and he simply didn't play the part. He was a big tough jerky guy that people were, rightfully, intimidated by.

Despite his enjoyment to shower, knife never took long. Once he finished washing he spent only a few extra minutes to bask in the water before turning the water off and drying off. Unbenounced to him, a few stalls over Suitcase was pulling on her jammies.

She had been completely aware of his, well not his specifically, but the presence of the other person the entire time. She was trying to get out of there as soon as possible. She really didn't want to get caught up in conversation, she just wanted to go to bed by now.

Sadly, the universe had other plans. As Suitcase was shoving her dirty clothes into her bathroom bag the other person walked out of their stall. That 'other person' just so happened to be Knife. He and Suitcase wernt beasties but they were.. acquainted, in a way.

For some reason, Knife cated about her. Maybe she was over thinking things, but he stopped and took time out his day to make her realize that Nickel and Baseball were treating her like hot garbage. Suitcase was thankful for that, even if the events that followed were anything but great.

Suitcase was bright back to earth by the sound of a sink running. Knife had started to brush his teeth, not that Suitcase should be paying attention anymore. Truely it didn't have anything to do with her. After a bit of shoving suitcase finally got her clothes to fit in her tiny bag. She was going to leave but alas, nothing was going to be that easy.

Knife being such a 'kind' perso, started to talk to suitcase "Your hairs a mess" It took suitcase a second to register what he meant "O-oh" suitcase caught her own eyes in the mirror. She was a mess, it was kind if embarrassing. "Yeah..."

"That was my way of offering to help" "OH!" Suitcase giggled "That would be great actually, if you could just brush it or something" Suitcase shuffled her feet a bit, geez this was awkward. "Do you umm have a brush or something?" Suitcase nodded and shuffled around in her bag more before finally pulling out what she needed.

(Epic time skip that was probably only by like 5 minutes but is needed becaus i dont know how to transition things SLAY)

And that's how suitcase ended up sitting criss cross in the sink as Knife, the big mean jerk, carefully brushing and styling her hair. It wasn't anything crazy, just two basic braids. It was still nice to Suitcase. Once again Knife had gone out of his way to do something for her, maybe they would grow closer, stop being in this awkward stage between friends and strangers.

That would take a while though, it's best just to take these things one step at a time, each awkward interaction woukd be less grueling then the last and eventually they'll become normal. Though suitcase wasn't ready to drop her guard just yet.

If Knife were to run into her in the middle of the night again, she'd dread it. If Knife were to strick conversation she'd dread it. If they were to interact, Suitcase would dread it. She'd dread it the same way she'd dread doing these things with others.

Maybe though, just maybe, she'd dread it a little less. Maybe after pushing through her feelings of annoyance and disturbance she'd find the smallest smile ever creep upon her lips. Because maybe she would learn to trust Knife, maybe she'd interact with him upon her own terms. Maybe.... maybe she could be cared for again, like a guilty pleasure to be babied,, to be cared for.

1078 words, I need more found family content. Like, come on guys I'm feeding you fluff feed my some found family content, even if it's just some Lil sub notes of people caring for eachother I'm starving here!



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