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The way I could do this with whatever ship I want...

It's Testbulb, tho :)

Come! Feast my children!

>It's past Lightbulbs bedtime, but Test Tube has work to do. Unfortunately for her, Lightbulb isn't too great at compromising.<

Click click tap tap click clack cickity tap tap. What are those noises? You might me asking, well, it's none other than Test Tube and her old, noisy ass computer! Seriously, why does it make so much noise? Anyways, it was keeping Lightbukb awake, an incredibly hard feat might I add, and Test Tube, too, because she's busy in the laptop, so... she's awake, yeah.

This makes Lightbulb mad! It's sleeping time, not clicky clacky to-ta time! Lightbulb rolled over and sighed. Test Tube did not stir. Lightbulb inhaled deeply and sighed again, Test Tube paid no attention to the girl. Fed up, Lightbulb grasped a nearby pillow and threw it at Test Tube. It hit the woman square in the side of her head! She turned to look at Lightbulb, exasperatedly. "What was that for!?" She shouted, Lightbulb only replied with a long, very loud, "siigghhhh"

Test Tube looked around, almost bewildered that no one else was here to witness this. "Do you need something, or are you just being annoying?" Test Tube asked. Lightbulb pouted. "Oh yes, of course, I'm the annoying one, wow," she said dryly "Oh Im sorry, is my work annoying to you?" Test Tube asked with a blank expression."Yes, it's like 3 in the morning! Why aren't you sleeping??" Lightbulb groaned. "Lightbulb," Test Tube sighed. "It's not even 11 yet. It's only 10:30." Test Tube went back to her computer. "Oh."

Lightbulb got up, seemingly retrieving her pillow. Keyword: seemingly. She reached over Test Tube for her pillow (because it somehow ended up there) but fell on top of the woman instead. "Lightbulb!" She shouted. "Stop, get up, you're crushing my hands!"Bu Lightbulb did not stir. "Too tired," she whined. Test Tube growled but knew she would not win this fight. She, instead, pulled extra hard to free one of her hands. Pulling her laptop out from under Lightbulb and placing it onto her nightstand.

This seemed to please the girl, as she hummed satisfactorily. "Lightbulb," Test Tube mumbled. Though there wasn't much of anything she could do. Test Tube decided to just rub circles onto Lightbulbs back. After a bit, Lightbulb curled up onto Test Tubes' lap, her arms around the woman's mid, and her face snuggled into her side. Test Tube kept her circles consistent, and eventually, Lightbulb fell asleep.

She tended to snore in her sleep. And it was like even when she wasn't fully conscious, she just couldn't help but have an influence on people because Test Tube joined her not long after. Might I add, also snoring.

452 words. Also, my mom didn't kill me (hooray!), but she also didn't say... anything. Like at all. It's very eerie, very weird, and I am now walking in glass around this woman. Enjoy the fluff after last time, yeah.

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