🥐*Wearily offers this silly little rarepair*🥐

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>Trophy is a cold man, inside and out. Well, what goes better with a cold man than his ray of sunshine "boyfriend"<

Trophy hated Winter. It was dark and cold, and--calm down edge lord he couldn't care less if it was like his soul! It ruined his mood, he didn't want to get up when it was pitch dark, he didn't want to run in the dark, and he fucking hated the nipping cold! Chewing away at his fingers and toes, scratching his delicate skin, chapping his once soft lips and irritating his leaking nose. There just wasn't anything to like about it.

Even so, there he stood, hugging himself close despite not even having stepped out of the hotel. Trophy pulled on the last of his shoes and prepared to step out. He was stopped by the sound of someone else. "Are you seriously leaving without a jacket?" Trophy turned around. It was his stupid ex-team captain.

"Yeah, I can't run with a jacket on. It feels weird." Though Trophy could have gone without the last bit, he felt like opening up to this stranger in the dark. "It's cold outside, and dark. Be careful, won't you?" Trophy hummed, "Oh yeah, why don't you just come and babysit me to make sure I don't get an ouchie?" He snarled, but Baseball-he remembered the guys name was-laughed. "If you're offering," he said with what Trophy could only presume was a grin. Again, the dark made it hard to tell.

Trophy should have just said no, but he instead remained silent. Baseball took that as an invention to come along. He quickly slid on his own shoes and a jacket, and the two departed. Trophy immediately shuddered at the cold. It made his skin prikle up, but it went unnoticed. Trophy figured that once he started moving, it would go away.

It was only 15 minutes later when they had slowed to a walk, Trophy finding the cold made him awfully tired, and he no longer wanted to run. His arms were wrapped around each other as he slightly hunched, trying to keep himself as close as possible. "So, is this why you're up so early?" Baseball asked in an attempt at small talk. "Yeah, I usually run at this time in the summer, and I don't like to change my patterns," Trophy mumbled. "Yeah, I can understand that." Baseball said, though Trophy doubted it. No one ever understood his habits.

"Do you think we'll be able to catch the sunrise?" Baseball asked, Trophy smiled in the dim light of the slowly awaking sun. "Yeah, I like to watch the sun rise and set, so my jogs usually end on a hill just ahead of here," he said, pointing at a small opening in the tree line. "You can see it really well from there. I like the colors, I think they're really pretty. Plus its fun to watch them change. My favorite is when the clouds look pink in the morning or when the sky looks like a rainbow at night." Trophy wanted to say more and talk about some of the pictures he'd captured. A feeling in his gut reminded him that most people didn't care and that it was about time he'd shut up.

Though, when he'd sheepishly glanced up from the floor where he had been sadly glaring at, he was met with Baseball's glance as he smiled at the other man. Trophy couldn't help but smile a bit, too. Maybe Baseball didn't mind all too much. As if conformation, "That's really cool, Trophy," he said. "Yeah, uh, I guess I've seen a thing or two after doing this for so long," he mumbled.

Soon enough, the two had ended up at the cliff just as Trophy had expected. The sun wasn't quite up all the way, hardly giving enough light to see. But it would rise soon. So Trophy took a seat on the dewy grass. It was cold on his bottom, but he could curl up better on the floor than standing up. He heard Baseball take a seat next to him, and the two sat in silence.

As the sun rose, not only did it bring the beautiful warm hues of a new morning, but also its signature beams of light. Now, it was significantly brighter, and the two could clearly see each other. Trophy took note of how Baeball was in fucking shorts, and sleeping shorts at that. He himself was wearing leggings under his shorts. What Baseball noticed, however, was Trophys harsh shivers.

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