🥐Finding A Way, Our Way🥐

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Make Salt an Pepper happy? No! Make Pepper sadly swoon over her best friend forever? Surpringly, also no! Make a crackship involving Pepper? YES!


Pepper couldn't really remeber the last time she'd left the hotel. Had it been months? Years? And when she had left the physical building, had she ever left the plot of land that OJ owned? Had she ever seen beyond the orange tree path infront of the hotel?

Maybe she hadn't, maybe she'd never gone anywhere. She just felt so.. stuck. And where did that stuck-ness lead her? She didn't know! Well.. she knew it was the middle of no where in a forest somewhere! But if she was somewhere how could she be no where? Whatever! Not the point.

Peppers feet ached, her mind was racing and God was she sweating a storm. Pepper groand loudly "Where is the god damm exit of this place!" She wasn't expecting an answer, infact, she was quite surprised when did get one

"Far from here"

Pepper turned around, shocked to find another person, especially if she was apparently so far from the hotel. "W-who are you?" The woman grimaced. She was quite short, though, Pepper could be considered quite tall herself. The mystery woman wore a white blouse and a dirty yellow skirt; Adorned in colorful shapes that seemed to be in some kind of pattern, to be honest the thing would have been quite ugly had it not matched the woman's dirty blonde hair that was more dirty than blonde.

Her hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail that didn't seem to be messy on purpose. Pepper could see why it would be hard to get a nice hairstyle out of hair like that. It was wild, thick and whispy all in the same. Something about it seemed all too familiar.

"Wait, arent you, like, that one person from season one? You placed second,  I remember!" Pepper exclaimed, and the woman nodded "And your the one girl who lost all her potential due to following that other brain dead bimbo around religiously" Pepper frowned "You mean, like, Salt?" "Tuh-mah-tow, tuh-may-tow" Pepper was sure she was saying thay backwards

"You're Taco, right?" "Mhm, Pepper?" She asked "Yeah" Peppers mind started to peice together what little she remembered about the woman, she surely didn't remember her being so... sophisticated "So, what brings you out here? I wasnt kidding when i said tou were far from the hotel" Pepper brought a hand to her neck, hissing embarrassingly "Ah, well, i only wanted to go for a, like, walk. But i guess i got kinda lost"

"Quite" Taco said matter-of-factly "I wish I could help but it is going to get dark soon" She motioned to the already setting sun "And i dont wish to walk back in the dark" "Like, oh" Pepper whispered, disappointedly.
(A/N: Totally unrelated but i cackled at this line) Tension filled the air as the two fell silent, there wasn't much else to go of the converstaion.

That was before Taco sighed and spoke up "But I suppose you could stay the night in my cabin and I may walk you back in the morning" She offered "If you'd like" Pepper smiled "That would be, like, amazing!" Pepper felt her heart swell and beat loudly in her chest and Taco smiled too, just a teeny tiny bit "It isnt that big of a deal..." before quickly adding on "As long as you arent obnoxious or anything... Only a minor inconvenience... I suppose"


"So, you like, built this?" Pepper glanced around the log cabin, it was truely beautiful "No, it was abandoned after the first season. I think that Mephone guy made another one that was closer to the season 2 grounds, and bigger for his co-hosts" (A/N Im imagining Mepad in a closet or some shit right now lol) "Oh" Pepper remarked "It sure is, like, cozy" Taco hummed in agreement

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