🥐Its death or death... (Test Tube)🥐

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Plot: Test tube finds herself in quite a pickel. The only options now are death... or death... (AN Obviously, thats the title dumbass [Im dumbass] )

Test Tubes POV

'Dear myonlyfriends, I write you this letter to inform you that I have not made it. I am dead and there's nothing you can do about it, exceptaskmephonetobringmeback, and so here we are. I am so sorry I know I will be missed but it was situation of death or death... And so here is my last wishes as death is upon me. Lightbulb... remember to always smile as it will always brighten someone's day. Fan, I give to you my entire laboratory and everything inside as well as that one really comfy sweater that you still haven't given me back! and you never will because I'm dead, this is me guilt tripping you from the after life please return it. And lastly, paintbrush, I give you... a spiritual pat on the back for being such a good friend :)'

"Wait wait wait wait wait, why do i just get a 'spiritual pat on the back'? Like not even a spiritual hug?" Paintbrush yelled, I just shrugged "I didn't think you liked hugs" "Not usally but if you were dead i would like one!?" They said making weird hand motions "How come Fan gets your laboratory! I want your laboratory" Lightbulb said with a frowny face (AN: D: ) "At least you guys got cutsey things that show Test Tube loves you, i just got her whole lab" fan said crossing his arms, we all just looked at him in disbelief "Ok and that one sweater" he said "aNd ThAt OnE sWeAtEr I JUST GOT A PAT ON THE BACK! NOT EVEN A REAL ONE, A SPIRITUAL ONE" Paintbrush screamed angerliy "Okay i think we are getting a bit off track" I said "Oh yeah" fan said "Okay, back on track, Test Tube... why did you write this?" Paintbrush said "We ran out of chocolate chips" I said weakly. I love munching on chocolate chips while I work! They dont make a mess and are easy to grab! Plus you can get them in all the chocolate flavors and more! Best. Snack. Ever. "And.. so you wrote your will?" Fan asked "Yes... it was death or-" paintbrush cut me off "Yeah yeah, Death or death, but... how is it death or death?" "Either i starve, because i dont have chocolate chips or I go out... into public... with... PEOPLE" I blurted out, covering my face with my hand. I hate people, I hate the public, but I also want chocolate chips :( paintbrush sighed "I'll go get you some" they said "as long as you re-write this okay? I want a spiritual hug when you die" they hugged me before going off to get my food. 'Maybe there is a 'life' in every situation... as long as you have a couple good friends, maybe everything will be alright. Well... there's my will I guess.. OH! Paintbrush gets 2 spiritual hugs! For being so kind ♡. Okay, that's it, that's the end!'

505 words! Yeah I used another writers block thingy... so what! 🦄🥸🇬🇧

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