🥐You Couldn't Even Begin To See My Efforts! (CheesyxTrophy)🥐

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Need more Tropheesy content, I'll supply for now I guess 🥱

(Humanized, more fucking fluff, gay people)


Trophy sighed as a familiar head of strawberry blonde locks bounded into his vision "What do you want twerp?" Cheesy gave a grin "Ive hardly even said anything and your already mad!" Truth was, he wasn't mad, not even annoyed though he'd tried to be. But Trophy had a reputation and an act to keep, someone like Cheesy wouldn't break that.

"What?" Trophy repeated, Cheesy took a seat opposite of him "Sooo you know how your like, super strong?" Troohy scoffed but smiled a bit at the acknowledgment "Yeah, whats it to you?" "I just wanted to challenge you! Arm wrestle with me!" Cheesy placed an elbow on the table, hand in the air. His other hand was clutched to the edge of the table, excitedly.

Trophy scoffed again, pure amusement in his eyes "You? Seriously? I'd win a million times over!" Cheesy looked at him deviously "Then do it! Dont be a wuss just accept the challenge!" This was more then enough to push Trophy over the edge "Fine!" Trophy interlocked his hand with Cheesy's "Just dont cry when you get your ass beat!"

The results were just as you'd expect. Trophy's hand, once again, pushed Cheesy's right over. Trophy laughed "I know your the funny guy but seriously stop making a fool of yourself and just give up!" Cheesy cracked his knuckles, like it'd do anything, and placed his hand in position again

"You said you'd do this a million times over!" Once again him and trophy interlocked their hands "Oh did I? Im scared i migh loose once" Trophy barked out a laugh before effortlessly toppling their hands "Your just trying too hard!" Trophy snorted "Oh yeah? I think it wouldn't make a difference!" Cheesy looked at him challengingly

"Then dont!" Cheesy said daringly, who's trophy to deny any form of challenge "I won't!" So trophy didn't, they interlocked hands once again. Unlike the previous times, trophy kept his hand in place. Cheesy put a super focused face on and stared intently at their hands. Nothing happened.

Trophy tried not to laugh as Cheesy's entire body began to shake. With tears in his eyes Troohy broke cheesy's intensity "J-just stop!" He said, finally breaking out in a fit if laughter "No no- I got it I got it!" Cheesy said, Trophy felt as the tiniest amount of pressure pushed into his hand. It was barely enough for trophy to even feel.

After a few minutes, a Trophy finally calming down, he spoke again "Are you even trying?" He spat, though his words were laced with humor "Huh? At beating you at arm wrestling?" Cheesy asked dumbfoundedly "Yeah, w-what else?" Trophy said with a chuckle, Cheesy gave an innocent smile.

"Well at that no!" It was Cheesy's turn to give a laugh, "What then why-!" Before Trophy could say anything Cheesy started to speak again "But holding your hand? Im trying very hard at that, and based off the last few minutes, succeeding!" Trophys face immediately rose a hundred degrees

"Wh- What the hells wrong with you!?" He pulled his hand back and Cheesys 'innocent' smile burst into his classic grin "Heh come on it was nice!" But trophy was already walking, well, more like stomping, away. "IT WASNT!" his bight red cheeks may tell a different story but alas, a story for another day.



*vine boom*


*vine boom*

WHAT 😱😱😱😱😱

*vine boom*

I know I know I've really out done myself with...

Ah yes! 550 words of fluff 😌

Now be careful! Don't overdose on that serotonin yall 😰

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