🥐All in a days work🥐

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Part of my dicter Clover AU, Clover becomes a Docter because... I dunno, because



"Before u went to school i begged my oarents ti nit maje me gi hime after wards and they let me! Right after school me and my friends rode our bikes to the park and we okayed for like 3 hours! Then, my friends mom took us to the arcade and then to dinner! Afterwards we got icecream and then i went home, it was so much fun! Then on Wednesday i went to the movies, i got to see my first, real, horror movie! It was so scary but so cool! Then that Friday it was my friend's birthday, we went to a water park! It was dark when we were driving home, thats how long we stayed" Clover smiled as the young boy explained his summer with glee, he was bouncing up and down and waving his arms around, emphasizing his experiences

"I also got to go to Miami for a week at my friends vacation home, we spent the whole time at the beach! There was also a carnivak in town just for summer, i played so many games and won so many prizes! I also got two new games from my dad, i had so much fun playing them!" He was so happy, Clover couldn't help but let a tear form in her eye, alas she olasterd a bright smile on her face

"Really!? Thats awsome bud!" "Yeah, i cant wait for summer again, schools sooo boring. I wish i didnt have to go" He slumped as he talked and drug out his words, the way any kid would. She wished he was like any kid, he seemed like it despite what she knew. What she knew and what his parents needed too know too, the whole reason she was here. "Oh dont say that, im sure school will be just fine" his mother flicked his hand at him, a smile still present on her face "So what did you need doc?"

Clover shuffled uneasily. "Oh um.. i just need a word with mom and dad for a sec, if you woukdnt mind... following me out here" The man grabbed his wife's hand, pulling her from her seat and into the hallway, right behind Clover. "So?" The woman asked, despite her worried look she still smiled "We... we got the test results back and..." Clover fiddled with the hem of her shirt 'You've done this before Clover, you can do it again!' She mentally hyped herself, the second she glanced back into the room, all confidence was gone. The boy was playing with some toy cars, showing them off to the other doctor who was listening quite fondly. "Im..." she took a deep breath and just ripped the band aid off!

"It appears hes tested positive for cancer, im sorry" except, this wasn't a band aid. This was a kid, who seemed perfectly fine, was gonna live a normal life, who was happy and healthy, who was just diagnosed with a terminal illness. His life will never be the same. This wasn't a bandaid it was a massive bitch slap to the face, a wound that will forever effect the lives of this family. "W-what!?" The wife broke down in tears, collapsing into her husband "And.. you're sure? Absolutely positive?" Clover felt her eyes pooling, she knew she couldn't break though, just that cherry on top. "Unfortunately, i am so sorry"

Clover couldn't help but stand there as the couple broke down, right there infornt of her. All because if news she delivered. She was sorry, but no amount of apologies would make the boy better. She wished he could make him better, healthy like his friends and classmates. Worst of all, he just sat there, showing off his cars, happy, normal. His life was the same as before despite it not being that way. Soon they would tell him, they had to. He would only get worse, he would have to find out and yet he seemed so peacful just siting there. Maybe he didn't have too, it wouldn't change much of anything if no one said anything.

But someone did say something and she got the "pleasure" of watching him find out. The cars he once held happily, discarded and abadoned, the room that once filled with the words that seemed ti endlessly spew from his mouth, now quite and empty. Void of anything happy atleast. But it was work. This was her job. Even after seeing a family break at the hands of her own words, she couldn't do anything but go back to work. Maybe one day she would have to repeat this process, it might even be later that same day but it was her form of work.  It what she did and it was important, she had to convince herself that what she did was good but sometimes... sometimes she couldn't even belive it herself


831 words.

I don't really know what else to say 👍

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