🥐A Unique Word For A Unique Feeling🥐

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17. Dictionary Definition: Open up a dictionary to a random word. Define what that word means to you.

Stravage, to wander aimlessly or without purpose



Every other week this one nurse comes. She rotates to every other week so I don't see her too often but she's weird. She knows the dictionary inside out. And every other week she teaches me a word. It sounds dumb, learning words is something you do in first grade. But she teaches me interesting words like 'foehn' and 'tenebrific'. Sure I would probably never use these words in an actual conversation, im sure she doesn't either, but it gives us both something to do and when you're stuck in a hospital 24/7 than you can't get too picky. Today was like any other with her, sh walked in and thought for a while before blurring out a word "Stravage" "And whats that mean?" "Stravage, verb, means to wonder aimlessly. Most commonly used in Scotland, Ireland and North England." I looked out the window, I liked that word. Stravage... "What dies it mean to you" she said messing with some machine "What do you mean?" I asked, what could a word mean other than its definition? "What does the word mean to you? Like, if you had to explain it to someone how would you explain the word stravage?" I fiddled with the thin hospital blanket "I dont know... I guess ive never stravaged before..." She looked at me confuesed "Really? I mean i guess it is a bit weird to walk to no where specific..." "Thats not what i mean... I havent really gone anywhere in a while. But... i did have a friend who told me a story bout the time they got lost" I said "At first he was scared but soon he just kinda forgot about being lost. He said that he just walked, not even thinking." There was a forest just outside the hospital, you could see it from my room. I always wanted to go into it, it was very pretty "I've seen ictures of the inside of the forest, its pretty. Prettier than the outside... I guess thats what stravage means to me... walking in the woods, not scared, just walking" She looked at me "That sounds nice, really fits the word"


A walk in the woods...

For once in my life....

I would be at peace...

Not sick

Or in the hospital

No sneezing,


Finally being to just...


Stravage is a dream,

A wish

A hope

A thing that might just make you forget all the bad and finally acknowledge the good.

What stravage means to me?

Something out of reach, only accessible in my mind and dreams...


450 words! Poor tissues :( Also thank you for almost 1.5k reads!!

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