🥐Hmm yes mentally stable... (CandlexSilverSpoon)🥐

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Plot: Inanimate insanity invitational has come to an end and the participants have gone home. Silver is talking about a certain witch he met to his family..

Silver Spoons POV

It had been a few months since I had come back from III and just so happened to be doing some spring cleaning with my family when my sister had pulled out a framed photo. "Aww look its spoons!" She said, god I hated that nickname. My mother grabbed the picture and flipped it around looking at the date o which it was taken "Its from when you were in that island!" My mother said flipping it around again. "Who's this in the photo with you?" My mother questioned. I would give an answer but I had no idea what photo she was looking at and I had taken plenty of photos with my team. Sure most were for promotional purposes but some were taken to mark our teams success and to celebrate winning yet another challenge. "She very... well.. whats the word?" My sister said "Pretty?" I said "No.. Well yes she's pretty but.. it's more than that, she has a comforting feel to her" and it clicked "Oh." I said. It was her "y'know what im talking about?" She said "Shes i witch." Ii said simply grabbing the photo from her "Oh my... She doesnt seem like one" My mother said a bit disappointed "Yes well she tends to fool people like that!" I said "She pusjed me into a volcano!" I said "I dont think it takes a witch to push someone into a volcano" My mother said with a chuckle "Plus" My sister added "You are still here and alive" she said "W-well she caught me but s-still!" I spat out "Oh so her saving you is proof shes a witch?" My sister teased "No!" I said "S-she started flying!" I said "Oh! Of course silly me how could forget the witches broom!" She said sarcastically "Not on a broom just... flying and-" My sister interrupted me "You expect me to belive that the person who pushed into a volcanoe miraculously caught you and then flew you to safety" she said raising an eyebrow "Well when you say it like that it sounds utterly ridiculous" I said crossing my arms "Mhm..." an awkward silence filled the room "What makes her a which then" My mother said "The flying! And thats not all she can do! She can like read yiur umm whats it called the like air around you!" I put a finger to my mouth and started to think "Im sorry 'the air around you'?" My sister said "Yes! She can read your palms and she has the future seeing cards!!" I shouted "Well she seems like a nice witch you should invite her over she seems lovely" My mother said "nice? Lovely!? INVITE HER OVER!! WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME! SHE PUSHED ME INTO A VOLCANOE I COULD HAVE DIED" I yelled "i dont belive that happened" my sister said flatly crossing her arms "But you said she saved you" My mother said "Oh at this rate you'll just be alone forever you always and some reason to hate everyone!" And with that my mother exited the room "pfft- single ass loser" My sister muttered also walking out "WHERES YOUR BOYFRIEND HUH!?" I yelled after her. Who are they to tell me who I should date and when I should. Maybe I'll die alone but who's to say I'll be sad when I do!? Well... Candle could but.. I've never thought of her that way! And surely vise versa. I mean I guess she did hold my hand that one time... or few... BUT it was for a challenge nothing more! I'm sure she never meant it that way and I wouldn't want it like that anyways. Or would I? I mean Camdles pretty sure but she's also smart and was great at getting our team to connect. She helped yin yang keep control of themselves and I'm sure under all that witch craft she's smart... gosh she's really perfect even with all her imperfections. She doesn't wear shoes for crying out loud! Even so she doesn't seem to let that stop her from climbing mountains and volcanoes... And she has a very calming voice and her hands are soft and gentle and sure I could look in her eyes forever and- NO. STOP SHES A NO GOOD WITCH. well a witch but... she's never done anything truly evil... I wonder if she can even DO curses. I look at the photo in my hands and brush my thumb over candles cheek. Well... maybe it wouldn't hurt to just get in contact. Right?

793 words baby! I'm bring you a long-ish chapter and uhhh I might go work on a part to for this right now so yeah keep a look out for that!

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