🥐As Death Do Us Part (Tissyang)🥐

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I'm not even feeling sad and yet this is like the 15th peice of angst I've written... I owe a lot of people fluff huh? God i love being in debt!!! Anyways

Warning: Death, Angst, Sad boy hours, idk

No one's POV

If tissues condishawn hadn't weekend his heart then yin-yang did. He whatched as they intently scribbled on a white board. They had gotten matching ones for Christmas, the only Christmas tissues didn't spend alone. 'How u doing?' Tissues laughed 'Better than yesterday' yin-yang quickly earned the bored and started to write again 'Your geting buttr!?' Thats what saddened him... yin-yang belived he would get better. That there had to be medicine or a surgery that could make him better but there wasn't. The condishaw was like a cancer. Except there was nothing anyone or anything could do. It didn't spread to anyone but tissues. 'Maybe. Probably just a good day though' yin yang frowned a bit. 'Theres always tomorrow!' Tissues felt a tear slip down his face

'The virus is spreading. I give you about 6 months to a year. There might be a medicine that can slow the process but nothing can stop it. I... don't recommend the medicine, it will just tire you out, your body fighting all day and stuff. You probably spend those extended days in bed.'

That was in August, its june. 'Always remeber that♡' yin-yang smiled, something that was contagious. Suddenly yin-yang perked up before erasing what the worte and scribbling a new message 'Diner gota go! Talk tomarow' i was going to say something but they ran off before i coukd show them the message. I closed my blinds and laid back in bed. I wish I had this earlier in life. When I could go outside, when it was easier to walk, when I didn't spend every other second of my life in a hospital. I wish I was normal. I think if I was normal, though, I wouldn't have had the patience and willingness to be yin-yangs friend. If I was normal, just like everybody else, I would have thought yang was rude and too much to handle and yin was weird and defined by his brother. But im not normal and I'm not like everybody else and so I get to be yin yangs friend, I think that makes it all worth it... I felt my thoughts slipping from my mind and a peacful sleep wash over me

Yin-Yangs POV

When we got back to our room tissues window was closed "thats weird, what? Tissues window is closed... he usally whatches the sunset... And he listens to the crickets! I remeber that... oh..." maybe he just wanted to go to bed early... sometimes his condishawn makes him tired. When we woke up in the morning tissues' window was still closed, which I was pretty bummed out about. Tissues was the only person we both got along with. He would be up soon, every thing would be fine.


It had been almost 4 days since tissues opened his window "im worried about tissues. Hes probably fine, you're overreacting. We share a body, say that again until you mean it. ...  Thought so." Yang couldn't help but find himself looking at tissues lonley little window.

"We're leaving! And should be back soon!" "Well now hold up! Where are you two going?" Yin yangs mother asked "Next door..." yang slowly opened he door "Who lives next door?" "Tissues" by this point yin yang were halfway out the door "Stop. Whos tissues? Why are you going over there?" "Tissues is our friend! We are going over to check on him, we'll only be gone for like three hours at best! Bye bye!" And yang slammed the door shut. Yin skipped over to tissues door, it was kinda sad, very beat up completely wrecked by the weather. Yin knocked on the door lightly and yang pushed the door bell about 700 times... no answer "maybe hes at the hospital. Or maybe hes walking to the door, he doesnt walk all that fast you know" yin rocked on his tip toes "Would it be rude to just.." yang turned the nob a pushed slightly, the door slowly creaked open yin hummed in thought "We are only trying to make sure he is okay..." They walked into the house "Tissues? Hellooo, wake up!!" Yin yang peeked in diffrent doorways before finally finding tissues room. He lay peacefully in his bed "See hes fine! just sleeping! I... dont think so" Tissues is known for his sleep sneezing, withen the minutes we had been there he had yet to make any noise. "He has a stuffy nose... he has to breathe through his mouth" and yet he layed there, still and unbreathing "Should we..." yin sighed and went to feel tissues chest. Instead of feeling the softness of the teal fabric that was his hoodie, they felt something cold. "It's his whiteboard.." yang picked it up 'I love you, goodnight ♡' while yang just held the whiteboard in shock yin went to feel his chest "...so do we call the cops? ..." yin pulled their phone out of their pocket "Hello, 911 what's your emergency?"

Yin yang sat on the steps of tissues house, holding the whiteboard and just reading the message over and over again. Yang finally stopped crying, yin would do so in bed later tonight. A police officer walked over to them "So your the guy that found the body?" Yin yang nodded "I think we both know what hapoened but it is standerd protocol" Yin sighed "So you just walked in the house? And he was dead when you found him?" "Thats about it... Do we have to give this back? He was holding it when... when we um found him" the officer shook his head "We know it was natural causes" "YIN BABY ARE YOU ALRIGHT? WHAT HAPPENED DID YANG DO SOMETHING?" Yin yangs mother ran up to them but at that point everything was a blur

"Hey why doesnt your white board erase?" "Oh um... its framed... we just want to keep that message. Its from a friend" "kinda funny though... it could have just said 'love you' and nothing else. I dont really get the first part and the goodnight i unnecessary" "It was a message from a friend... there uhm last words if you will..." "Oh im sorry that freindship ended. I mean there is always tomorrow i guess" the person laughed at their own joke 'Tissues was the only one' 'the only one we could both like'

'The only one who truley deserved our love'

1112 words. I gotta make more tissyang, its another ship I really like. I'm not really sure why but I do like it alot. Something about it. It's on my list of 'tiny community ships that deserve the world but have no Fanfiction or oneshots or fanart'... an odley specific but long list 😢

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