🥐Sea Side Secrets🥐

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3. The Vessel: Write about a ship or other vehicle that can take you somewhere different from where you are now.
Silver Spoon x Paintbrush


The rock of the ship, sickening yet soothing at the same time. It made Silver feel like a baby in a bassinet. Yet again, in a good and bad way. If he were honest, which he mostly is, he would have prefered to stay at hotel OJ. As crumby, so he says, as the place is, it was better than being forced to sit on a ship with people he didn't like especially on a shitty day like this. You know it's bad when Silver Spoon says potty words, just to put into perspective for you. There truely was only 2 things that could make this day worse 1. It starts raining or 2. Paintbrush decides that today is the best day to talk to the spoon, I'll let you guess which happened and let me tell you the blue skies that went for miles sorta give it away "Hey Silver, i thought you'd be off moping inside?" Silver Spoon scoffed in response "Simply taking advantage of the chance to mope outside for a change" Paintbrush took a seat next to him "Ha, sounds about right... im serious though, are you feeling okay?" Nevermind, three things could make this day worse, rain, Paintbrush and talking about his feelings. With Paintbrush just made it all the worse... though there isn't anyone he could really think that he prefer over the artist that sat next to him "Why such an interest in me now? It feels like just yesterday we were hating eachother" Paintbrush remained silent for a bit "I... Ive never hated you..." Well... that's a bit awkward "oh..." "Do, uh, you hate me?" Paintbrush glanced at Silver "I... I think i dislike everybody just about the same... some place... higher on the withstandable list than others" "So.. im on that list or... am i getting the wrong message?" Silver Spoon chuckled "I suppose... Y-you being on the withstandable list that is! Uh, not the 'getting the wrong message' part" It was paintbrushes turn to laugh "uh... thats good! I suppose that means I get the pleasure of asking, hows the royal spoon feeling?" Silver spoon hummed in thought "Blue... as you would put it" "Royaly i hope" the two shared a laugh "I... I feel like thats somewhat the problem" Paintbrush hummed and Silver continued "I enjoy beliving that.. im some kind of royalty who deserves nothing but the best but... other times i feel like deep down im just some nobody who truely doesnt deserve anything... its just confuesing, how i can switch from getting everything and enjoying and thriving in it to feeling like im some asshat who truly doesnt deserve anything" The crash of the salty waves filled the silence between the two "If my opinions worth anything, i think you deserve alot of things... I mean every one does but... i dunno, sorry for saying anything. Now i just feel like ive asked for a question that i cant answer" Paintbrush rubbed their neck "...Why do you think i deserve things? I just... have i ever really done anything but be a royal douché bag around you?" Silver locked eyes with Paintbrush "I..." The latter looked away, a noticeable red climbing their cheeks "I think ive noticed some things about you... maybe things you dont even realize yourself" Silver Spoon raised his eyebrows "Like... your always willing to help the team. Maybe its subconscious or not on purpose, like the 'try not to laugh' challenge when you helped Floory get over his stage fright but... it helped nonetheless" Silver smiled "I... suppose i did help, maybe not intentionally, but helping indeed" He said, Paintbrush nodded "Maybe its because underneath that royake douché bag is a lovely and charismatic person who truely cares" Silver spoon mockingly gave Paintbrush a hurt look "Me? Caring? Impossible!" Paintbrush looked at him  slyly "Hmm really? Because i think you care a lot" Silver spoon shook his head dramatically "Preposterous i say! Utterly absurd!" The two laughed at their jokes before settling back into the silence of the crashing sea. "I needed this, however may i repay you for your kindness today?" Paintbrush looked off in mysterious thought before their sly look returned. Suddenly they leaned into Silver and wrapped their arms around him tight, it was an awkward cuddling position, yes, but cuddling nonetheless "Just let this happen" Paintbrush said petting Silvers head. The royals face red as a tomato "I... i guess after all you've done i can suffer... Just for you dear" It was cover, Silver was in no way suffering, infact he quite liked this, but alas he had a reputation and Paintbrush was no person to ruin that... for now

809 words. Is this procrastination? Yes. Should I be finishing that dang payjay fic that offically has a due date? Yes. Am I? Nope 🤗

Again, this isn't quite what I imagined but we're rolling with the punches here!

(This chapter is old [hence me complaining about the payjay oneshot] and for some reason i put off publishing it even though it wasnt that bad for me a few months ago *The single paragraoh irks me but im to kazy to fix it* WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS this kinda sucks a bit lol)


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