🥐Erotic Fanfiction :O (Bright Lights)🥐

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While you are waiting for the next chapter

LIGHTBULB: What kind of maniac wakes up an hour early to write erotic fan fiction!?

FAN: Me.

PAINTBRUSH: Are there any shows or movies left in the world that you haven't perved up.

FAN: No.

FAN: Thats why I started writing erotic friend fiction. Using people from II and zombies.

LIGHTBULB: OH! Do Apple and Marshmallow, I think they would have beautiful children!

FAN: I did and they don't.

I hope you didn't think this was actual erotic fanfiction 😭 I promise I wouldn't ever do that 🥐 Well... Unless... 🤑💸💲 /hj

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