When Your Problems are as Small as a Pill... Probably Because They are the Pill

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Hehe, projects onto Lightbulb 🤪

Also, who takes medicine in a spoon? I feel like that hasn't been a thing forever... or maybe people still do, I dunno I just seriously haven't heard of a person doing that.

>Lightbulb gets sick often, but she doesn't allow for it to be easy for anyone. When her poor roommate Test Tube is left with the challenge of taking care of her and gets an inside look of just how ridiculous this woman can be.<

Who knew eating sticks and dirt and mud and bugs and lake water and tree bark and grass could make you sick? Test Tube. That's who. She had warned Lightbulb she needed to stop these ridiculous habits of eating anything in nature! But Lightbulb was stubborn, and she didn't plan on changing her ways anytime soon. It wasn't a surprise that she'd caught a bug... and ate it, and the leaf it was living on, and then got sick.

Unfortunately, Paintbrush was fed up with caring for her. Fan hardly took care of himself, and no one else really wants to be around a sick Lightbulb, so that left one unfortunate vile to have to take care of her.

"Lightbulb, you should have finished this cup of water 30 minutes ago." Lightbulb stuck her tounge out at her current caretaker. "I dont want to drink water!" Test Tube rolled her eyes. "You are never going to get better if you do not flush this virus out of your systems," she stated firmly. "Well, Painty usually gets me Gatorade! I want Gatorade," she huffed. "Is Painty in the room with us right now? No, they are fed up with you just as much as I am. I am supposed to nurture you back to health, so drink your water."

Lightbulb rolled her eyes but reached for the cup anyway. She hated water. It didn't taste like anything, at least bad tasting things tasted like something! Water just didn't. It was so plain and boring. No wonder it was Test Tubes' favorite drink. (Well, okay, Lightbulb was just assuming, but it wouldn't surprise her if it was true!)

In a fit of rage (a tiny impulsive thought), Lightbulb "accidentally" bumpbed her hand into the cup on the way to grab it, spilling the contents on the floor. "Oh no, I spilled it! Test tube, I'm so sorry, I'm such a klutz!" Test Tube just sighed. "Okay, Lightbulb. I'll get you some Gatorade. It's time for you to take some medicine anyway." Lightbulb frowned. She didn't want medicine.

Test Tube took Lightbulbs cup from the floor and, after tossing a spare towel on the water puddle, left to get her drink from the kitchen and her medicine from Paintbrush's room; Imagine her surprise when they handed her a large yet nearly empty bottle of liquid medicine. "She seriously still takes liquid medicine?" Test Tube asked, Paintbrush nodded nonchalantly. "Yeah, don't ask me how, I think it tastes as disgusting as the next person, but... just let her take the liquid medicine." They sighed, and Test Tube walked off with her brows furrowed. How could anyone willingly take liquid medicine?

Lightbulb pouted while Test Tube set her things on the bedside table. "I dont want to take medicine. It's gross." She angered, grabbed a tissue, and blew her nose. "If you took pills, you wouldn't have to take gross tasting liquid medicine." Test Tube retorted, twisting the cap on the bottle off. Lightbulb didn't bite back this time, just flopping back onto her pillows to mope. Test Tube held the medicine cup to eye level and began to pour the thick blue liquid.

Unfortunately, there was a tiny problem. You know how it was mentioned the bottle was almost empty? Well, apparently, that almost just wasn't enough. "Lightbulb, you dont have enough medicine," she sighed. "Then we get more," Lightbulb  said. Test Tube set the medicine on the table. "Seriously? You really can not just take a pill?" Lightbulb shook her head. "No, get more medicine from Paper." Test Tube clenched her jaw, but went off anyways. Now alone, Lightbulb couldn't help but curl into herself a bit more. A dreadful feeling in her gut that wasn't her sickness made her think that this wasn't going to go her way.

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