🥐Because I care!🥐

683 7 19

Hurt/comfort I think

More comfort than hurt tho,, I think

Tropheesy because I'm going through a phase


It was a considerably lazy afternoon in hotel OJ, a light breeze was passing through and the sun was at it highest peak. Even Trophy was taking advantage of the day. His window was propped open and he was lifting weights (or sum shit i dont know im a wattpad writer, outside of whats mandatory in PE do i look like i know a damm about working out 🤨) Faint music played through one of Trophys ear buds; the other discarded elsewhere.

On such a lazy day, it was a surprise when a kncok came from the door. It was a soft knock. A knock that, for some reason, seemed to not want to be heard. But Trophy heard it.

Trophy heard the knock; and now he would answer it.

"What?" He spat, flinging the door open. Cheesy just stared back at him, used to the hostility "Just.. wanted to hang out or something" Trophy glanced at the empty hallway before letting Cheesy in, who just mopedly walked, or trudged, over to Trophys bed and sat down. Cheesy hadn't said anything else, which your probably thinking 'let the damm man breath before shoving your expectations on him like chill tf out :skull emoji:' because you say emojis out loud you weirdo, but it was quite an unusual thing for Cheesy to do. Stay quite for longer than a few seconds that is.

Trophy resumed his work out and Cheesy continued his silence. The only noises to be heard were Trophys soft grunts and loud breathes (Guys- I dont even know how to defend myself...) and the gentle rattles of tree leaves in the spring breeze. With a sigh of finality, Trophy placed his weights, quite hazardously might I add, on the floor. "Alright," he said "Whats up with you?" Cheesy glanced from his hands, which he was previously fidgeting with. "Nothing, why do i seem not okay!?"

"Woah!" Trophy said, raising his hands in mock surrender "Somebodys getting  defensive" Cheesy puffed his cheeks, but ultimately leaned back and looked away not interested in continuing the fight. "Seriously Cheesy, why did you come here? You dont seem... well" Cheesy inhaled deeply "I just needed to get out of my room-get out of my head and I just- I thought that maybe if I left I'd find a distraction and just stop"

Trophy leaned back against his backboard and looked at Cheesy inquisitivly "Stop what?" "I dunno.. stop thinking." Trophy pushed "Why would you want to stop thinking?" Cheesy clenched the sheets "Just becaus i-i dont know because ot was bad? Bad thinking?" Trophy turned his full body to face Cheesy "What kind of bad thinking?"

Cheesy seemed irritated, but Trophy didn't seem to want to back down "The unsafe kind! The-the 'I need to do something today' thinking turned to the 'am i even relevant?' That then became 'im not relavent and nobody cares and'-and then it just stopped being safe." Trophys face held an unreadable expression, so Cheesy continued "So theres your answer Trophy, isn't it fantastic? I crawled my way over to your door because i had sad thoughts and then i didnt feel safe with mysle. I guess i thought that maybe someone would care enough and make me feel safe"

Trophy swallowed thickly "Sorry-" "No Trophy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry i bothered you and, no offense, im sorry that for whatever reason i though you of all people would make me feel 'safe'." Cheesy picked himself up off Trophys bed "Maybe I'll go hang out on the roof if you get what im saying-" Cheesy sighed "That was joke, a realy really bad and unfunny joke im sorry" "No, Cheesy its fine." Trophy said

"look just stay-" "Why!? Do you think im a danger to myslef!?" At first Trophy didn't say anything, just staring dumbly at Cheesy, his mouth slightly agape. Soon Trophy clenched his Jaw and nodded his head slightly "You want to know the truth Cheesy? After you tell me that your thinking of hurting yourself and you feel helpless and irrelevant and what not, after you threaten to act upon your harmful thoughts- Yeah Cheesy, yeah i do kind of start to think that you might be unsafe by yourself"

"So you can stay here, in my room where i know your safe, or we can go up to the roof and i'll hold your hand like a toddler so you dont get a boo boo that might just cost you your life." Trophy crossed his arms and Cheesy just stood in the center of the room, albeit awkwardly. That was before the tears started to stream down his face. What was once silent streams turned to loud, ugly, sobs. Once Cheesy started he couldn't find himself stopping.

"Cheesy-" "I dont want to hurt myself" Cheesy said through sobs "I just-" Trophy got up and wrapped Cheesy in a big hug "It's okay Cheesy, I understand" Trophy mumbled, just for Cheesy to hear. Cheesy wrapped his own arms around the muscular man infront of him. Muffled sobs and hics became the only sound in the otherwise silent room.

Even that soon came to an end, and soon Cheesy and Trophy were left standing in the middle of the room.

Trophy softend his grip on Cheesy, who peaked his head out of the safe haven that was Trophys, now tear soaked, shirt. "I jsut wanted to apologize" Trophy said "I could have asked you if you were okay just a little nicer" Cheesy hummed in response, "Maybe just a little bit" Trophy laughed and wiped Cheesys cheek with his thumb.

Trophys dumb smile stayed plastered on his face as he and Cheesy gently stayed back and fourth. No longer did Cheesys mind run with bad thoughts. No longer did it run at all, not even good thoughts went through his mind. It was just that very moment, every second he spent in Trophys hands/arms. Nothing could distract Cheesy from this moment. Nothing could ruin this moment for Trophy. It seemed to be just them, and with every passing second the only seemed to get closer until-

The door swung open "Oh! sorry gouise i didnt mean to interupt you right when you were abouta kith" Came Tissues' nasaly voice. Trophy looked at him, flabbergasted. (Stfu of course im using this word in my very serious and super high class writing) "Y-I wh- Why are you here!?" He yelled finally "I just wanted my water bottle gouise geez" Trophy groaned before heading for Tissues' bottle, and the promptly tripping over his own weights. (Told you guys, those things were a hazard from the start🙁) "Oh you know what, its fine I'll just go gouise really its fine-" Tissues closed the door and Trophy scowled from his spot on the floor.

Above him, Cheesy giggled. And Trophy couldn't feel that perhaps, in the end, it was worth it.


Hehe, doesn't make them kiss 🤭

1169 words.

It's 1:30 in the morning, my dad's snoring loud as shit, my mom's fighting for her life in the loft (she has a cold and is coughing like there is no tonorrow) and I'm writing fanfiction for the inTErnEt :D (and you better bet your ass i have school tomorrow)

Also what do if think aromantic but have boyfriend that you not like in first place but also hab crush on childhood friend in another state?

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