The End.

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This is so frustrating and actually embarrassing too.

I am ending this book. BUT I do plan on making a second book because I am far from done writing about these silly objects.

The frustrating part comes from a lot of things.
For one, I am so mad that Wattpad is broken on my phone. Wattpad is aware of the bug but it has yet to be fixed. I won't complain too much, this app is amazing, but still it is annoying and inconvenient.
Two, my laptop has been the laggiest piece of shit that I have ever owned. Straight out of the box it lagged and crashed and I am passed because how the fuck does a brand new laptop come straight from the factory a literal piece of shit? Anyways, it has now decided to not connect to any wifi! Hooray!!! So, now I can't write on it. Not that I was really doing so anyways.
Three, my mind is so AJRJRJSJD
It is so hard to pull out my laptop, get it set up, and then have the motivation to write something. I think we can all agree that our best ideas and pieces of work are written at ungodly times in the morning. And another way I work is slowly progress my story little by little. Just quickly opening Wattpad, writing a paragraph, and going back to doing something else. I can't do that with my laptop.

Well, now you might be asking, how the fuck are you updating this story if your phone and laptop physically let you? My fucking tablet. With the last shred of my will and patience I pulled out my sticky ass tablet am writing my final messages.

When this is posted and my book is marked complete, I will have already posted my second oneshot book so if you still like my work and still want to read it head over there ig and add it to your library or whatever. If you see this way after it's posted I might have added some chapters but right now it just going to be a little welcome page.

Thank you for listening to my rant, and thank you to everyone who was apart of this book.

Goodbye for now.

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