🥐Buddy bench (test tube x fan)🥐

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I hate buddy benches, they don't even do anything. It's literally a rules not to sit on it like what? ●_●

Test tubes POV

Sometimes I don't understand what the point of recess is. Very opinion based thing I belive. Some teachers say it's to give students a break from work, I would assume that we would be able to do what we want but no they insist that you athletizize. I've also been told it's to let students relax and socialize. Whats relaxing about socializing!? Nothing! To me atleast... What's relaxing to me is writing simple equations in a note book and allowing my mind to wonder around diffrent experiments but I guess that doesn't appeal to average people so there I sat on the horrid buddy bench because of course the only reason I could think of when trying to explain why I was sitting writing in my note book was that I had no friends and therfore no one to socialize with. The stupid recess monster took my note book "Im sure youll find a friend soon" she said "You just have to try" yeah right. That's like saying you could solve any equation iF yOu TrIeD it takes more than that. "See" she said. I looked up and one of the other monitor's was walking up with some kid "You can have this back at the end of the day" he held up a small video camera and walked off again "Im sure he doesnt bite, say hi" she said pushing me forward "Actually i got suspended once for a biting incident" he said I made an uncomfortable noise "Ah i was the one being bitten!" He said "Why were you suspended?" I said "I hit the other kid, apparently self defense counts as bullying" he responded "Thats.. kinda messed up. Ut goes on your records eberyime you ge suspended just like if you were to get fired so if you apply to college, depending on their strictness, you could get rejected just for that" I rambled on "Oh... i probably wouldnt have gotten in any ways not that i would want to but im not the smartest" he said laughing a bit "Why wouldnt you want to go to college" I questioned "I dont need a degree to blog" he said "I dont not what that is..." I admitted "Internet stuff" he sat on the bench next to me, I didn't even notice the recess monitor left "Oh" "What about you?" He asked "Uh i plan on going to Harvard they uh have a good cience program" I said "Oh shooting for the big leagues!" He said "Harvard's pretty popular huh?" "Well yeah but i think i have a pretty big chance" I said "Good grades?" He said "Yes!" "Not to rain on your parade but I've looked at the statistics and there a big number of people, even with straight A's, that get rejected" he said "But you said havards the 'big leagues' so here are plenty of smaller programs that would be more than willing to except me" I said "Well yeah but are tou willing to take the chances of delaying your education just for harvard?" He asked "What? You know you can apply for multiple colleges" "Wait what!?" He looked extremely shocked "Yeah didnt you know that? Sure i could apply to harvard but i could also apply for other colleges and when i get my acceptance letters i just pick which one i go too. I could get accepted into harvard and the small local collge and i just pick which one i want to go to" "Wow..." "thats why its important to apply early so you have enough to get all your acceptance letters and make a final decision" I said "Thats... interesting" he said. He pulled out a small note book and wrote some things down "Whats that?" I asked him "Oh um i just like to write things like statistics and new things ive learned and sometimes i can update my blog mased if them y'know. I could teach someone something new because im sure im not the only person who didnt know you could apply to multiple colleges. It could teally help someone" he put the note book back in his pocket just in time for the recess bell to ring "Until next time.. uh.." "Test tube" "Fan" he said and ran off "Ah! I need my note book back" and I too ran off

748 words! Now I need to work on today's pride chapter 😩

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