🥐The Beat Of Her Heart, The Melody Of Our Love🥐

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4. Dancing: Who’s dancing and why are they tapping those toes?

Balloon x Suitcase

Most of theese stories are humanized, I just find it weird and a little hard to write them as objects.


Balloons POV

OJ was hosting yet another party for the hotel guests, finally letting me stay there, and I was kinda bored. I didn't really get along with anybody there, not since Nickel won't let go of how I acted in season one. He's convinced everybody I haven't change but I have! Why can't anybody see that? Well... somebody did, I found my eyes drifting twords her. Suitcase believed I changed, she was the only one. She was standing a bit awkwardly on the other side of the room before she looked my way. Our eyes locked together and I felt my heart start to race. I looked at the floor quickly, I didn't want to seem creepy. I thought she forgot about it or let it slide, i guess she didn't because soon I saw two little feet snug in some brown and white sandals walk into my vision. I looked up and suitcase was smiling at me. "Hi balloon!" She said, happy as she, usally, was. "Oh um- H-hi suitcase!" I could feel my face heating up again "What are you doing? You seem lonley" I chuckled at her honesty "I guess i am... you know that nobody here likes me" I rubbed the back of my neck "Thats not true! I-I like you" If suitcase had hands im almost certain she would be playing with the hem of her dress "Thanks suitcase... I like you too" ...Awkward silence... Well as silent as a party could be, that is. Me and suitcase didn't say much else, until the song finished and a new one started "Oh this one of my favorite songs!" She stood up happily "You auve to come dance woth me! Please" suitcase pleaded, who could ignore that "Alright" I stood up and she lead me to the middle of the room that was deemed the dance floor. Suitcase seemed really happy and excited, I was a bit more hesitant. After a few minutes of just kinda chatting suitcase  leaned into me, swaying to the music. It seemed like we were the only ones in the world. Me and her, no one else. Nothing else mattered, it felt like I forgot everything. My heart was beating fast, contrasting to the calm and soothing beat of suitcases. I put my face into the crook of her neck and held her tight. I think I've found the meaning of life. This right here, if I have this I don't need anything else.

450 words. Wow so amazing love this so much YAY

Sarcasm, just an fyi



Don't expect it to last long

It's not going to

Yeah my only completed drafts are "As Death Do Us Part" and  another thing I haven't named but yeah its super sad because honestly fuck you guys 😕 /hj

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