🥐To Mars And Back🥐

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7. The Rocket-ship: Write about a rocket-ship on its way to the moon or a distant galaxy far, far, away.

Marshmallow x Apple


"How much do you love me?"

A question, so simple yet so hard all in the same. Apple couldn't help but be curious. They had been enimes for so long, she was sure Marshmallow had hated her alot, but she just couldn't place how much Marshmallow loved her.

With a long sip of her drink, Marshmallow answered the curious girl with a question of her own "How much do you love me?" Apple hurriedly scribbled something on her paper, a big pink heart with two figures on either said. Their demonicly long arms stretching to clasp together under the heart

"This much!" She said and Marshmallow smiled. Grabbing her own sheet of paper, and turning it vertically, she drew a big red heart, with many many smaller hearts. Apple gasped, putting their pages side to side "Thats way bigger than mine!" It really wasn't, Marshmallows technique of turn the page only allowing for a bit more coloring space "You must love me soooo much!!" Though that was true "More than you?" Marshmallow questioned, and Apple huffed "No way!" "How so?"

Apple hummed, her mouth in a straight line and eyebrows furrowed. "Well... maybe because i love you this much" she said, spreading her arms as wide as possible "Really? That whole amount?" Apple nodded "Its the biggest amount!" Marshmallow hummed

"Well then, i love you this much" Marshmallow said, her arms reaching just a bit more than Apples, who sighed defeatedly "I guess yours is bigger... ill be back!" And with that, Apple bobbed (hehehe pun) off. Only returning a few minutes later with a certain pink haired friend in tow

"Okay!" Apple huffed, out of breath "I love you thiiisss much!!" And she an Bow held their hands out as wide as possible "Wowsers thats alot" Bow said, a cheeky grin on her face "However will you beat that, huh Marshy-marsh?" And Marshmallow thought

She thought, long and hard, before walking next to her girlfriend and holding her hand. Extend her other to reach as far as it could "I love you this much" she said, adding quite the length to the chain "Ugh how could anyone ever beat that!" Bow said, and Apple shrugged. With a defeated sigh, Bow disappeared into the walls of the mansion

Apple stayed quite for a while, looming at the floor in deep thought, only breaking out when Marshmallow gave their conjoined hands a deep squeeze "You okay?" Apple nodded with a smile, before a questioning look feel over her face "How far away is the moon" Marshmallow raised her eyebrows "Very far" Then Apple smiled again "Then i love you that much!"

Marshmallow smiled aswell, pulling her girlfriend into a hug "Thats a whole bunch!" She said, kissing Apples cheek, who giggled in response "Do you think you beat that!"

"Hmmm" Marshmallow looked to the side "When i got slammed into space" she said "and i went all the way to Mars" Apples stared in awe at the tale "I went a far far way" Apple nodded "And it felt like a long time, ging back was quicker but..."

"That much" Marshmallow said finally "All the way to Mars and all the way back"

"Thats alot" Apple whispered

"Mhm" Marshmallow agreed


565 words. This has been in my drafts way too long


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