🥐Justice For Test Tube (Paintbrush)🥐

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This is going to be a series okay? Test Tube is always the bad guy in II fan fics so let's do the girl some justice and let the rest of the cast take their turns!

(Also the stories aren't going to be like attached to eachother so what happens in this story won't affect the second story in this collection)

Lightbulbs POV

It had been a few weeks since II ended, I was glad I could spend more time with my friends but fan and test tube have been... distant from eachother. Not to mention that while they are avoiding eachother there avoiding me and painty and just about everyone else in the process. So while they are ignoring everyone I have no choice but to spend every waking moment with painty, I don't really mind though. "And then he crawled out of a dr fizz can! I dont know how he did it but it was so funny! Dont you think so?" Painty didn't say anything "Painty? Whats this brush full'a paint thinkin' 'bout?" They still didn't respond "Paintbrush? Come on pal dont leave me hangin'!" Nothing, this was kind of annoying "What is this the silent treatment? Well you cant ignore me forever! Ill just keep talking, you'll have to respond to get me to stop~" I leaned on Paintbrush and they jumped. I couldn't help but laugh

Paintbrushes POV

Lightbulb leaned on me and broke me out of my thoughts. She started to laugh about something which honestly just ticked me off. Something about how obnoxious her laugh is or maybe the fact that everytime she laughs its at the stupidest things. She doesn't understand when she should laugh and when she should just shut up. "Did you-" her laughing cut her off "You shoulda' seen your face! It was like" she made a weird face and started to laugh again. "Lightbulb could you quite down?" I already had a splitting migrane because of her rambling I couldn't handle this too, she didn't hear me though because she was too caught up in laughing. Everytime she laughed it just felt like a knife was being shoved in my head, over and over and over and over and laughing and over and talking and over and screaming and over and gasping and over again. Lightbulb was standing near a window and I couldn't help but wonder, how unfortunate would it be if someone tripped over the mounds of trash in her room and just pushed her out the fucking window? I mean how unfortunate would it be if she just so happened to also trip over her piles of laundry completely unable to even realize what's going on until falling to her death? I mean she wouldn't have time to process what's going on so she couldn't scream or save herself, she would just trip, fall and die. I mean it would be truly unfortunate. I mean if I thought so every else would belive me... I mean lightbulb was my best friend and dare I say people thought we were more! So surely I wouldn't do that. But... even if I did... the would already assume it was an accident... surely I wouldn't. I mean all these alibies aside and the fact that with a bit of tears and acting I could get off Scott free! but it was one migrane... surley... surley I wouldn't, I couldn't!

But maybe....

Maybe it was one migrane too many...

It was truly an accident because I didn't mean it right?

It wasn't lieing! I just didn't correct them when they said I tripped...

Maybe I didn't trip.

Maybe I did mean it.

Maybe I deserved the jail time.

But maybe she deserved it.

I mean she was killing me! That migrane and the talking the pain it was all to much!

Everyone is better off now that she's dead.

651 words! I kinda like this? Anyways yall really like my salter chapter! I Mean it already has like 5 votes and I posted it yesterday? The day before? (At the time im writing this) I don't know but glad yall like it! Totally not posting this 10 days after the last chapter what? noooo

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