🥐Mommas gotcha🥐

554 8 15

Nickel needs a motherly figure so goddam bad

Good thing he has one


Stifled sobs filled the bathroom, Nickel was almost certain the rest of his team could hear him. The thin walls of the sinkers team cabin wouldn't do much to hush his cries. He hated feeling so trapped. Stupid dream. That's why he was here now.

Nickel could barely recall the contents of his dream, something about his elimination in season 2 or maybe his childhood, none of it mattered now. Now he was just crying on the floor of the bathroom for all his team to hear. He could probably get Balloon to shut up and Box would never hold this against him but the rest of his team? They would mock him till the end of time.

A soft knock came from the door, like an announcement of his impending doom. Tea kettles voice came through the beaten wood door "Nickel, hun, are you okay?" Nickel couldn't respond, no matter how much he wanted to cuss her out or call her a crazy old woman and just get her to leave, he just choked out a sob.

The shitty door knob on the even shittier door rattled and soon opened, who would have thought Tea Kettle would be one to pick locks. Even so, she closed the door right up behind her. She kneeled in front of Nickel who just buried his head into his knees. 'God this was embarrassing' was all he could think.

All he could think before he thought 'Why?' Why did he care if she saw him like this? Why did he care what she thinks of him? She would be out of here in no time, specifically because of him. If anything she should be scared that she was seeing him like this. It isn't her place to care about him and it certainly isn't Nickel's place to care what Tea Kettle thought of him.

So much thinking and thoughts...

Tea kettle placed a hand on Nickel's shoulder, she was saying things too but he wasn't really listening. It was all muffled, maybe that was because of his knees that were practically digging into his skull, or maybe his ears didn't care enough to work. Maybe if he just stayed here like this she would leave. Like everyone else when Nickel was too stubborn. They would try to 'fix' him and he wouldn't budge, then they gave up.

Maybe he just needed to meet someone as, if not then more, stubborn than himself. Maybe that person was Tea Kettle.

Tea kettle wouldn't leave until she knew Nickel was okay. Until he was fast asleep in his crappy bunk, she wouldn't sleep in her own. She plopped herself next to the snarky male and just pulled him into a hug. No words needed to be said, maybe some tears needed to be shed (Oh hey that rhymed! ᴷᶦˡˡ ᵐᵉ ⁿᵒʷ)

So the two just sat on the floor in a one-sided embrace. It was a long while before Tea Kettle spoke "You wanna talk about it?" Nothing but concern laced her voice, genuine concern. "No" Nickel's voice quivered, even a simple word seemed too much to handle for him at this time "That's okay, take as much time as you need" Tea Kettle rubbed small circles into Nickel's back "You don't need to be ready ever if you don't want too"

Then something just snapped because boy if Nickel wasn't sobbing already, he sure as hell was now.

Tea Kettles chest did a much better job at shushing Nickel's sobs than the stupid bathroom walls. He shook and quiver in her arms, he stopped fighting it at this point. He embraced the mess he was now, he even tried to explain why he was crying. Nickel didn't feel like himself, he felt like a baby. A crying, mewling, whiney little baby.

'Wahh wahh' he sobbed 'me want mommy' is all he could feel himself saying. He didn't actually say those things but fuck did he have to? God, why couldn't he just enjoy a person's embrace without having to beat himself up? Why couldn't his head just SHUT UP!?

His head swarmed with 'why's' and 'what ifs'. The sacred memories of his childhood, his fears, even what his life was now. All he did wrong, all he's doing wrong. Shuut uo shut up! The thoughts clashed and fought to be heard. It was all too much and Nickel needed it out.

Before he knew it he was yelling, maybe his voice could be louder than the thoughts "Shut up!" He'd shout, though no one said anything "Shut up!" He'd tell himself, but his body wasn't listening to him, it never did. When he'd tall it not to care, it would. When he told it not to cry, it did anyway. When he wanted sleep, he wouldn't. When he needed to focus, shocker, he found his mind wandering.

"I never listen! I just want to listen! Why can't I do what I'm asked!?" He found himself shouting, Tea Kettle just hel him a little bit tighter "I cant listen to the people around me and i cant even listen to myself! Stupid stupid!" He kicked his legs and stomped his feet on the ground 'stupid STUPID never listens cant listen shut up shut up SHUT UP LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN no crying stop crying waah waaah pathetic baby cry cry cry SHUSH BE QUITE throwing a fit the wittle boys throwing a tantrum CRY CRY listen put on your listening ears be a good boy get a golden star WAAH WAAH CRY ABOUT IT I said be quiet! Where are your listening ears? Uh oh, they ran awa6 forever and ever, oh how upsetting SHUT UP! THOUGHTS DONT NEED EARS'

And for one split second, he was allowed to hear clearly. One second to find something else to listen to... "It's okay Nickel, let it all out.."

Nickel's eyes shot open, Tea Kettle whispered sweet nothings into his ear  "You're okay, it's alright." He felt his sobs slow, just a little. "You're safe with me, I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you" Nickel hicced less violently, his breathing began to regulate ever so slightly. He felt safe, je felt in control. Even if it was just for a moment.

And when hed reached that so close to normal state "Thanks..." he mumbled, leaning helplessly into Tea Kettle "Of course Nickel, you know mama's gotcha..."


1088 words

Hehe, she did the the thing where she did the she said the title :))

Fun fact: I finished writing this after my 'thoughts?' Chapter just like I said I would. Funny, it's like i know the kind of bitch I am.

Anyways, enjoy this kinda fluff kind of not it's lazy and rushed just fucking gobble this shit up.

"Yum yumm"

that's you eating my Wattpad

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