🎄The 25 days of Christmas (Paper x OJ)🎄

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Plot: OJ receives mysterious notes every day until Christmas when his little admirer reveals themselves


(Probably ooc, im sorry. This may have been rushed so again, i apologize)

December 1st

I walked into my office after a long day of running the hotel. When I went over to my desk i noticed a small green note wrapped in a red ribbon.
"Whats this?" I said to myself, picking up the note. I pulled on the ribbon and it came off cleanly. The note unfolded and there was something written inside. " On this first day of Christmas as you trim your tree with lights, take a moment and refresh yourself with two ice cold sprites ♡ " Thats... odd? I flip the note back and forth in my hand and couldn't find a signature. Suddenly salt burst into my office "OH OJ!" She said all sing song "OooOoo whats that!" She snatched the note out of my hand "Is it for me~" She battered her eyes at me and I just rubbed the bridge of my nose, tiredly "Salt!" Pepper ran in out of breath "What part of *wheeze* 'wait up' dont you get!" Pepper walked up to salt and looked at the note "Aww totes cute! You forgot to sign your name though" she said to salt "Its not from me its from OJ" Salt said hugging the note close "Oh.. Cute!" Pepper said "Uhh no" I said snatching the note back "Its not from me, and not for you either" I shoved the note into my desk "Its for me and none of your business. Infact! Its no ones buisness but mine and the person who wrote it!" I pushed Salt and Pepper out of my office "What! Who wrote it!? Im going to kill them" Salt tried to push past me and started clawing at the air "Yeah! Is it like an admirer?" Pepper questioned "I dont know" i said as I threw them out "Now next time knock!" "What! Now im like interested in like your secret admirer!" Pepper said, dusting herself off "Let us like help you" she said cheerfully, salt sighed in defeat "Yeah my little crush on you is getting a bit old" she said "Im way out of your league anyway" she said checking out her nails "What!?" I said exasperated "Yeah! You like know nothing about love and i know like everything" she said smirking at me "Let us help because there is no way that you will find whoever is writing these notes without us" Pepper said walking up to my door. "I wil stop clinging to you~" salt said getting up behind her "..." They grinned widely, like two kids in a candy store. Just a bit more... demonous "Fine..." I said letting them in "Great!"

It was now 2 in the morning and salt and pepper were obsessing over the note "Ugh! We have gotten no whereee" salt said spinning in a chair shed basically claimed "There has to be like a code in like these words" Pepper said tapping her foot and looking at the note "What if its not a code! What if its just a sweet note!" I said, I was tired, well I always was but... staying up all night over some note is useless! Especially when the two dumbest people are helping me! "Salt, Pepper, this was funny at first but you need to leave" I said "Oh!" Pepper shouted, completely ignoring me, "What if there is another note in the fridge!" She said "Why would there be note in the fridge" I asked "Because where is the sprite at?" Pepper said looking at me dumbly "Oh in the fridge!" Salt said, running out of my office, Pepper followed and I had no choice but to go as well. "Sh sh sh shush! Be quite" I whisper shouted at them while they ran up to the fridge. Salt opened it up with such force I thought the door might pop off. Pepper pulled the sprite out of the fridge. Attached to the bottle were two candy canes in a heart shape with another note "Omg! Is this like a scavenger hunt! Whats the next clue" Salt whisper shouted "No... it just says 'i love you on this first day of Christmas' thats it." Salt frowned and Pepper put the sprite back "Now go to bed" I said walking back to my office, I heard the two bcff's huff and walk back to their respective rooms I couldn't help but blush at the note, no way would someone be willing to write 25 notes. Actually if there always these 'I love you' notes than 50! 50 notes!? No way.

December 2nd

I woke up to the sound of a knock on my office door "Huh!? Uh c-come in!" I yelled to the other side if the door. I rushed to fix my hair and flatten my shirt a bit. I heard paper laugh "O-oh paper! Uh whats up!" "I was going to ask for help setting up the Christmas tree but you seem tired" he said simply "Oh, its no problem! I just got into my office early and feel asleep! I went to bed last night i swear" I didn't want paper to worry so lying it is, though I'm almost certain he could see right through me. Even if he did he brushed it off "If you say so"he said with a small smirk. The rest of that day was spent picking out, cutting down, putting up and decorating a beautiful tree for the lobby. Paper didn't leave my side once, im glad to have a friend like him. "Hey paper!" Paper turned to look at me "Oh hey OJ! Do you need help with something?" "Oh no! I just wanted to thank you! I know today was tiring for me so i can only imagine how you feel, thank you it really means alot that your helping me!" He nodded "No problemo OJ! Im glad to be able to spend time with you!" He walked off and I walked over to my office. When I walked up to my desk there was another note. I did the same thing as day 1, the note read ' On the second day of Christmas if the skies are dull and grey, light a candle in your window to guide someone on their way ' hmm I wonder what this one could mean... where do I keep candles... I guess the supply closet? I made my way to the closet at the end of the hallway and, as best as I could, I quietly opened it. Now where do I keep the candles? Ah yes! It didn't take long for me to find the candle with the note on it, along with two Hershey kisses that were tied together to look like silver bells.

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