🥐Suitcase Goes Home (Angst)🥐

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It had been a few years since suitcase had left home. It had also been a few years since she'd seen her family. She was excited to saythe least, there wasn't any reason for her to feel scared. Was there? She felt her heart leap to her throat as she stared at the house that was supposedly hers. She took a shaky step forward, why was this so hard? She looked back up at the house, it seemed darker. Something was wrong, it itched her brain in a bad way. Suddenly the door flung open and a lady ran out. The lady hugged suitcase tight, she was crying, why? Why was the lady sad. When the lady let go suitcase took a small step back, she tried to see what was wrong. 'Why are you sad?' She asked herself... why... why did the lady hug her, her brain was fuzzy "Suitcase? Hunny are you okay?" 'She knows my name?' Suitcase started to get a headache 'hunny?' Thats something that you call your husband or wife? Or maybe your child? As if Teo puzzles pieces connected, filling in the blank in her brain suitcase remembered "Mom?" She asked "Yea suitcase! Hi!" The lady- suitcases mom... hugged her again, this time everything made sense "Hi mom! Its been so long" (Since last ive seen my son lost to this monster, the mephone behind the slaughter) Suitcase didn't know why she forgot her mom. It was probably nothing. Suitcases mom broughter her inside. Nothing in the house changed and yet suitcase felt unfamiliar with her surroundings. Maybe it was because she had gotten used to hotel OJ or just that she had been away for so long... yeah that was probably it. Suitcase didn't realize that she was being hugged again, another woman she didn't recognize, the woman held suitcases shoulders and looked at her, she was crying. And then a man put a hand on the ladies shoulder, he smiled at her but all she could do was stare back confuesed "Suitcase? Whats wrong babes?" The lady asked. Babes? Suitcase wasn't gay? The woman was married, suitcase coukd feel the metal pressing into her skin. She was married to the man, he wore a ring as well. Who was the man? Not her dad... he was the older man standing behing the counter. Suddenly everything was blurry, her head hurt. The lights got brighter and an irritating buzzing noise filled her ears. As soon as the pain and noise came it went "Suitcase are you okay?" The man was holding her now, she pushed him off her "I... Im confuesed" was all she could muster out, she pushed her hands to her head and tried to really think, who was he? Not her dad... maybe her brother? Yes. Her brother she had a brother how could she forget, she pulled her hands of her head and hugged the mam "Suitcase? Yiu cant just let that go, are you okay?" She looked up at him "I just... forgot" she said "Forget what babes?" The woman asked "You..." suitcase hung her head ashamed, how could she forget her brother and sister-in-law. They were close as ever "I... i think the boat ride just made me tired" This was more of an attempt to calm her nerves but it seemed to calm everyone else too. "You want to take a nap?" Suitcase shook her head "I should get used to the jet lag- er... boat lag?" She smiled and her brother chuckled.

Soon it was time for dinner, when a plate was placed in front of her suitcase couldn't help but shudder. The meal infront of her smelled, it looked funny too. "I made your favorite." Her mother said weakly "Do you like it" suitcase was raised to be polite, she shoved a spoonful of the food in her mouth, this was her favorite? It felt weird in her mouth and didn't taste good but she smiled and nodded "Thank you, this is really good. It really brings me home, you know?" That earned a few nods. She shoved more food in her mouth, at least it was something. It wasn't long before the plate was finished "Gosh i must have underestimated how much you liked this huh?" Suitcase nodded "Do you want more? Theres plenty." Suitcase shook her head "Im really tired, I might just head to bed" Suitcases sister-in-law took her plate to think and she went to her room. It wasn't hard to find, it was yellow and had suitcases name on it. When she stepped into the room it felt wrong. When she changed into pajamas it felt wrong. When she got into bed it felt wrong. It felt like she wasn't suitcase. This wasn't her bed, this wasn't her room, this wasn't her house and most importantly this wasn't her family. Somehow she was in suitcases body but she wasn't suitcase. She didn't want to be here anymore. "Goodnight suitcase" her mom interrupted her thoughts "G-goodnight!" Suitcase got lost in her thoughts again. Her vision started to darken, familiar yet unknown. The dark was unbearably cold but she was sweeting. A black tentacle slid into view, and another and more until suitcase felt surrounded. The crept closer and they wrapped around her, it wasn't long until she couldn't breathe. With the last gasp of air she took she screamed. She screamed and screamed and screamed, she didn't stop when the tentacles left, she didn't stop when the darkness faded away, she didn't even stop when she heard her name being called and when she was being told everything was okay. She kept screaming until the sobbing over took her body. She cried and cried until her eyes ran dry. Then and only then did she stop. She regained her focus and saw her family was surrounding her. "Suitcase? Whats wrong, what happened?" Her dad asked her "Did you not- was there not... the tentacles? The dark? Did..." she didn't know what to say "Theres nothing there doll.." her sister-in-law rubbed her leg gently "It was just a nightmare" "No!" Suitcase didn't mean to yell "No! It was real! Why can i onky see them!? Why..." her breathing was heavy but just as before she remembered "Only u can see it. Only i can hear it. No one believes me..." She sniffled and her family looked confuesed. This was her family. This was her house. This was her body. It was her body that saw theese things and heard theese things, things no one else could. "I.. Why? Why me? I want to be normal. I dont want to her these thing anymore... its scary" she leaned against her brother "I want to be normal..." "What are you talking about suitcase?" She recognized that voice, Baseball. "What? Baseball?" "Yeah?" He was laying in... her bed? Why was he here this was her house? She stood up, her brother spoke up "Suitcase theres nothing there silly" Silly? This was serious. He should know she's not being silly, that's absurd! "Im not silly?" Baseball turned over "What? Are you okay?" She looked at her family. It was that feeling again, not belonging. "I dont know who you are?" Suitcase backed away from her 'family' "Suitcase? It's me, Baseball? You just said my name" "Thats... Thats not my family... I-I dont know them..." "Suitcase, your family isnt here?" "Dont be such a silly girl! We are the real ones, theres nothing there!" Her sister-in-law beckoned her to them, she bumped into Baseball's bed "Y-You're not real!" Baseball turned her around "Suitcase!" She blinked and it was dark again, not the tentacles again no! She started to shake. But they never came. The dark stayed except the glow of Baseball's phone. He xould touch her, she could see his phone "Y-Your real." As if confirmation baseball spoke "Suitcase are you hallucinating again?" Basebalk knew it wasn't a nightmare. A hallucination would call themselves hallucinations. Suitcase nodded "S-Sorry" "Its good... just get some rest if you're up to it, want water?" She shook her head "Just needed that to end..." Baseball nodded and suitcase went to bed. Somehow, despite how scared she felt, she seemed safer. This was real... What would have happened if she stayed with them though?


1396 words! Uhm yeah I don't know what else to say but uhm one tomorrow everybody... one tomorrow... only 5 more left after that... I'm going to self unalive... except I have a massive list of Object shows I need to watch. The amount of them that went uncontinued is kinda sad *cough cough* figh in flight, Marmite vs the world, after schooligans *cough cough COUGH*

Also I apologize for my absence I've jsut been a bit overwhelmed because we (My family and I) don't have a house 🙃 Yeahhh the militarily doesn't have housing avaliable for us, we are staying with friends and are going to get a house it just under construction. Like Doesnt-have-walls-or-floors under construction.

Also I'm obsessed with cabby's voice/voice actor. Onto know why I felt like saying that but I did. Enough chit chat see yall next chapter

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