🥐3am love and kisses🥐

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I am slowing devoting my life to them

I think, live, breathe knickle so hard rn but I've already read all the stuff that's on ao3 and I don't have the motivation to surf wattpad for them so

Fine, I'll do it myself

Plot: knickle do kisses and other 3 am couple shenanigans cuz these bitches GAY

(Established relationship, Humanized,  fluff)

Alas, the comfortable silence between the two was broken "Im bored" It was 3 in the morning, though most of the hotel was asleep a certain couple found themselves almost wide awake "That sucks" Knife stated blandly, not even looking up from his phone. Pickle huffed before crossing his arms, pouting like a child "Stop that" "Make me" Though there was no longer a need to, as a smirk found itself planted firmly on Pickles lips, Knife still leaned over and kissed his beloved boyfriends cheek

"Again" Knife rolled his eyes but complied. Pickle giggled as more kisses were placed around his face. Some lightly placed on the tip of his nose, ones placed firmly onto his forehead even some placed gently on his closed eyelids.

This went on for a few minutes, Knife showering his boyfriend in sweet kisses and in return Pickle laughed. Just the two of them alone in a dark room with nothing but eachother and the soft sounds of their love. Soon though, Pickle put his hands onto Knife's chest and pushed him back, "Okay okay" he said "Enough, kiss me for reals"

Knife responded by humming, Pickle raised his eyebrow to this "No, i dont think i will" "What?" Another kiss was planted onto his forehead, Pickle resorted yet again to pouting "Pfft- your acting like a child" "I dont see how my promblems and a childs coralate whatsoever" Pickle turned away from his lover who only laughed in return " its not funny" "Yes, yes it is."

Another kiss was placed onto Pickles check "Stop" he huffed. This time, Knife did not comply to his demands "Dont think i want to do that" Yet another kiss "Why wont you kiss me for real?" "Cuz this is amusing to me" Pickle grumbled incoherently but Knife just continued to kiss him.

"Your a real asshat y'know that?" Knife smirked, "You fell in love with it though" "Seriously second guessing that" Knife playful brought a hand to his chest in mock pain

"oh! Oof- ouch oh my poor heart" The man fell onto the other side of the bed, moaning (A/N 🤨) and groaning (A/N 🤨🤨) in dramatically fake pain "Look what you've done, im dying of a broken heart and its all your fault" Pickle rolled his eyes "You're so immature at times" Knife's head shot up, "Look whos talking mister pouty mc'pouterson"

Pickle stuck his tongue out at the man in playful rude manner, in return Knife grabbed his tongue "Hey!" "What? You obviously wanted me to have it" "Your so rude! Githe i' back you don' deser'e gith's" (A/N bro i tried and im almost certain i failed 😮‍💨) "hmmm... fine" after an unnecessarily long moment of contenplation, Knife freed his lovers tongue from his grasp "Thanks" "No problemo" "I was being sarcastic" Knife frowned ( >:( )

"Im the asshat?" Pickle nodded "I still havent gotten my kiss" Knife looked at Pickle sadly "Awww" A moment passed between the two before Knife repositioned himself comfortably under the covers "that sucks, goodnight" "WHAT" Knife barked out a laugh (A/N BARK BARK ROUGH ROUGH BARK ARF WOOF WOOF BARK DADDY 😫😫🥺👣👣🐾)

Pickle sighed loudly "I cant with you sometimes!" "I cant with me sometimes too" Knife smiled, seemingly satisfied with his lovers reaction

Once again, a comfortable silence settled between the two. "...Nothing? No response?" Pickle huffed "No no, its fine. You dont have to kiss me, you know cuz you care so much and all" Knife frowned "Good night" It was Pickles turn to smile, he knew what he was doing.

(666 words 😱)

Knife scoffed, he knew just as well as Pickle what was happening. It all came down to who was better at playing the waiting game. Knife had started this bickering sure, but he wanted a kiss just as much as Pickle did. He was jsut stubborn and would make anything and everything difficult.

If Pickle really wanted the good night kiss he would have to come and get it himself. It was grueling in a way, why couldn't stuff just be handed to Pickle? Still, he could manage. He woukd wait as long as it took to win such a petty little game, who would come crawling back for the kiss?

Minutes passed and a certain someone started to grow restless, tossing and turning, huffing and puffing. It was childish and I took everything in Pickles power not to laugh. Of course knife would be the loser of the game, he always was. This wasn't the first time and it certainly woukdnt be the last and yet still knife tried. He tried to push Pickles buttons and in return he'd make a fool of himself.

Not that it mattered much to Pickle. As humiliating as Knife thought it was to admit he couldn't wait to kiss his boyfriend, the latter woukd never hold it against him. This was their thing, no one else needed to know.

With a final sigh of defeat Knife rolled over to look at his partner in the dim light. The two locked eyes and shared a moment before they started to talk "Do you want something?" Pickle asked light heartedly, Knife rolled his eyes "Yes." A beat or two passed before Pickle continued "What is it that you want?" Knife coukd feel his cheeks flush, the same way they did everytime he had to admit he wanted a kiss. So silly, so silly the whole thing was.

Pickle lifted a hand to Knife's warm cheek, in response the man sighed. "Kiss me" he grumbled, softly. Pickle hummed "Oh, whay was that?" Knife growled he coukd hear the smile in Pickles voice "I said kiss me dumbass" This time, Pickle complied. The two locked lips, it was short, sweet kiss but it meant the world to Knife.

Though he was still pissed he had to do that, you could tell when he rolled over angerliy and chocked out another goodnight. It was quite amusing to Pickle. In his last moments of clarity before sleep would over come him, Pickle wrapped his arms around the man in front of him and held him close. Pickle mumbled out and 'I love you' before promptly falling into the bliss of dream land.

1112 words. What? What's that? Fluff? Again? What a surprise and I'm not being sarcastic!! Whats has changed insde of me what is going on!?!?!? I don't know but what I do know is this what a fun chapter to write and I'm going to need more Knickle stuff out there. It's quite literally canon, why isn't there more stuff for these bitches? Anyways love yall, bye.

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