🥐The Sweet Taste Of The Joy That You Give Me🥐

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16. Addict: Everyone’s addicted to something in some shape or form. What are things you can’t go without?

Lightbulb x paintbrush

Nirmal people liked to start their days with breakfast, some people coffee and those few weirdos who drank tea. But not Paintbrush.

Nothing, and they mean it when they say nothing, will ever wake them up like the spark they get from their girlfriend. It was like her little power.  She woke up with so much energy, too much energy, and someone needed some of it or she would combust! (A word she learned from Test Tube that meant explode but cooler sounding!)

So everyday, she took her energy and ran, vroom! Down the stairs to meet her beloved Painty in the dinning room where they'd hunch dead faced over a coffee, just as cold and plain as their breakfast. Lightbulb would swoop in a *mah!* right on their face

They'd look up and smile, with a small smile (as small as the blush that dusted their cheeks) Before Lightbulb coukd give them a proper kiss right on the lips! Now they had an even bigger smile and an even bigger blush. Don't even get me started on the energy rush..

So some people get through their work with the promise of lunch. 30 minutes to just relax, eat some food, chill and catch up on the internet. Not Paintbrush.

Paintbrush looked forward to that 30 minute break just to make Lightbulb lunch. They often snacked throughout the day, and didn't require lunch, but lightbulb needed the fuel. She needed the energy. All so she could spit out a bajillion 'thank you's' and, because that wasn't enough, give them another big *Smooch!!*

Then Paintbrush would sit there with a big goofy grin and watch their girlfriend eat, and listen to her tales of what she'd done in the few hours they were seperated.

Lightbulb would finish her lunch, and whine because she didn't want Painty to leave, then with one last big squeeze and a sneaky sneaky kiss on the cheek (or their neck if she was being a cheeky rascal) the two would bid their ways.

Lightbulb would entertain herself for a few minutes, maybe an hour before she inevitably made her way to wherever Painty stationed to, well, paint. She'd run over and give them a big big squeezy hug, and another, even bigger, kiss. Then she'd sit near them and blabber on and on, behaving herself by on begging for a kiss or a hug ever couple of minutes.

Hand in hand, Painty and Lightbulb would walk to dinner, they'd eat and laugh with their friends before, once again, parting ways with one "final" smoochy kiss

But it wasn't their final kiss, not of their lives, nit of that night. Paintbrush would brush their teeth and put on their nightwear, they'd crawl in bed and scroll through their phone for just a while before a knock would sound from the door.

Normal people looked forward to their bed and sleeping at 10pm

Paintbrush awaited their ever so clingy girlfriend to demand a kiss that she thought only she looked forward too.

But she wasn't the only one, because Lightbulbs kisses were one of a kind, they were electric and addicting and ever so sweet. Filled with love and care. Her kisses left a spark that in turn left Paintbrush awaiting them. Everyday, every morning, every afternoon, every meal, every night. All day, all the time.

These kisses were Lightbulbs, and sometimes she'd allowed for Paintbrush to have them too.

L not where I wanted this to go 🥱

I still liked it though, better than the og idea :]

593 words


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