🥐The Day Yang Didnt Flinch (Tissues x yin-yang)🥐

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So this is Yin-Yang x Tissues despite the title seeming like just Yang x Tissues but ummm yeah you'll see

Plot: Despite Yin enjoying the feeling of another's physical touch Yang can't help but find himself involuntary back away from it, until one fateful day...


When Yin-Yang were younger it wasn't a surprise to find them cuddled uo in someone's lap. Whether that be their mother or father or just about anyone willing to hold them, they found a certain comfort in it all. The feeling of being cared for and loved physically it was just... magical. Though Yin never seemed to grow out of this pleasure it soon became but a secret, well more of fact no one knew, but Yin liked thinking of it as a secret more. Yang on the other hand just seemed to stop liking being touched. Yin never knew why, it was like Yang woke up one day and just... stopped. It sounds silly that Yin woukd want to curl uo in a person's lap thus making Yang not wanting that more reasonable, Yin would agree but it seemed to be all touch. Yin-Yang refuesed to shake hands with people, Yang often acted out or, in Yins words, throw a fit when hugged or even pat on the back. He scooted away from hands being put on his shoulder and would swat peoples hands away whenever they came close. It was just all unreasonable, Yang even got upset over accidental touches, hands brushing against their own, being bumped into. Yang sometimes even went as far as choosing to not sit near people out of fear of physical contact. Yin thought this was the complete opposite of reasonable. Even so, Yin never forced Yang to touch anyone and he never went out of his way to make his brother uncomfortable, he just wished he knew why Yang hated touch.

Not that it was hard to comply to such demands, no one wanted to come close enough to Yin-Yang to even accidently touch them, let alone on purpose. It just seemed like habit to stay away from the conjoined brothers. Habit to all except one. Little lonely Tissues found himself around the two often. They ate together, talked together, even sat together which would lead of course lead to the inevitable. Accidental touches. Tissues could sit next to Yin-Yang on the couch and go to adjust his pose leading to his foot brushing against Yin-Yang or he could be sitting next to them eating dinner which respectively leads to bumping elbows, it also wasn't uncommon for them to be sitting in Tissues's room doing nothing in particular and to accidentally brush hands. Yin honestly wasn't bitherd by all of this, even getting the feeling if sparks with even just the slightest bit of contact, Yang in the other hand always flinched and pulled away. A more laid back reaction to being touched but a reaction nonetheless and, to Yin, a bad one at that.

Yin always wondered what it would be like to hold hands with someone, anyone really. He inky ever got so close with Tissues and their hands brushing by eachother. "Some day, you'll have to suck it up and let us hold hands with somebody" "As if! No one wants to hold hands with us anyway so might aswell not let it happen" This always upset Yin, disagreeing with his brother. Even when they did it so often, it never made it any better. "And if we are ever presented with the option of holding someones hand?" "Unlikely" "just give me a straight answer!" Though Yang never would, belive the day woukd never come, not that he woukd let it anyways

Or so he thought

It seemed that Yin-Yangs hand was magnetic because almost everytime they and Tissues hung out the two's hands would brush together. Yang would pull away, of course, but he never seemed to learn. Everytime it happened Yins words rung in the back of his mind, would he ever hold someone's hand? I mean, he and Tissues got along, as well as Yin, so they were close of course, on the other hand, it had been almost years since the last time Yang had allowed someone the privilege that was touching he and Yin. As time went on the question on grew louder, would he or would he not hold Tissues's hand? It's simply, a yes or no question and yet I stumped Yang alot. Perhaps more than it should have...

So there Yin-Yang sat, next to their sniffly friend, this time wasn't unlike any other so naturally when Tissues repositioned his hand it just si happened to be right next to Yin-Yangs. Usually Yang would pull away, despite it being just their pinkys that were barley touching, he moved. It made him uncomfortable... usually... Today just... wasn't like any other, this time Yang allowed their hand to stay right next to Tissues. Even it were such a little thing, Tissues sure noticed. He looked down at his hand, gently placed next to Yin-Yangs, before meeting eyes with the two. Almost immediately they looked away, shoving their red face into the protectiveness of their other hand. This was before awkwardly shuffling their hand into Tissues, who seemed to be enjoying ever second of whatever was going on.

Tissues also shuffled his hand, moving his finger to intertwine with his... friends? We'll say friends for now. It had been awhile since Yang had let anyone touch him... it was one worth waiting though, the sparks that Yin felt in their hand were fantastic. He was glad he could finally have this moment with his brother, finally putting aside his stubbornness to actually enjoy something. It was nice. It was magical.

970 words. If your gonna get fluff it gonna be under my terms. Those terms are Tissyang because I am starved for these bitches... i'll let them be happy this time but some sad stuffs coming just you wait-

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