🥐Achey days and an elevator kisses🥐

706 7 12

Tissyang •3•


Tissues groaned as he stepped into the hotels elevator. Today was just an achey, bad, and tired day. Nothing could possible make today any better. Nothing except Tissues' stupid condishawn going away. Away with the pain, the  tiredness and fatigue, away with the congestion, oh how onderful it would feel to breathe through his nose.

But that day isn't today, and most likely won't even ever come. Tissues blinked slowly before pressing the button for his floor. They leaned back against the wall and sighed heavily. The doors almost closed before Tissues heard a faint yell, someone asking for him to catch the door.

It took Tissues a second to process what was being asked of him, but soon shoved his hand between the elevator doors. They paused a second before opening up again. Tissues pulled his hand back and Yin-Yang, out of breath, stepped in. "Thank you!" Yin chirped, and Yang gave a small nod before looking away. Silence filled the air.

Well, minus the occasional sniffle, cough, or sneeze. And perhaps a groan or sigh. Or- You know what, Yin-Yang was dead silent and Tissues didn't say a word. Until he did "Oh uh what floor do you gouise need to go to?" He asked. Yin-Yang shot up "Uh 7.. please" Yang muttered, and Tissues pressed their floor for them.

The elevator wasn't the fastest thing in the world. Infact, the stairs were probably way faster. It's interesting that Yin-Yang decided to take he elevator. "How has your day been?" The qustion cut through the air like a sharp knife. "Oh, pretty good" Yang answered.

There was a few seconds of pause before Yin continued "How has your day been?" Tissues sniffled "To be honest, horrible. I woke up souper toired and achey awll over" Yin-Yang frowned "I'm sorry to hear that" Yin said, and they bit their cheek "Sorry i didnt mean to be a bummer" Tissues said before coughing violently

"Your not a bummer" Yang said "You were only being honest" "Plus we asked! I wouldn't want you to lie" Yin added. Yang gave an affirmative nod. "Thanks gouise, im really glad to have friends loike you..." Tissues smiled, and for a second he felt a little less achey breaky and began to feel a little more fuzzy inside.

On the other side of the elevator though, Yin-Yang hadnt stopped feeling fuzzy. They didn't need to go the seventh floor, they hardly knew what was even up there. They didn't even need to go to a floor they did know. It was all a last minute plan to spend a minute or two with Tissues. Or maybe five, this elevator sure liked to take its time.

Another small bing ringed through the air, the elevator had gone up another floor. Yin-Yang grew increasingly sweaty. It was just two friends in an elevator together going to their respective places. No reason for worry...
Though maybe a certain someone wanted more than to hang out in the elevator.

And was to blame him, huh!? Finally, a moment alone. Just Yin-Yang and Tisses. No Trophy or the Cherries, hell even OJ seemed to be in their backs about something or another. So to finally have the perfect solitude to kiss... oh what a moment

But it'll never happen! Nope nope. Yang was backing down, he didn't care if Yin would hold this against him for eternity. Atleast Tissues wouldn't have too.

Yon-Yang began to tap their foot, mind racing. 'Oh come in we got on this stupid slow elevator for a reason!' Yin mentally shouted 'Nope! I can't!' 'Why not!?' He argued 'Because- I just can't!!' Yin huffed, earning a glance from Tissues.

Finally the last ding dinged and the elevator doors opened. They had reached Tissues' floor. He began to step off before looking back "Have a good day" he said, and began walking away again. 'Your chance is fleeting~' Yin teased 'Good! I'm keeping my foot down.' Yang hissed


'Tissues is still walking awayy'


'The doors are closing..'


'Last chance-

Yang steped into the doorway "Hey wait!"

Tissues turned around "Yeah?" Yin-Yang stood awkwardly "I just wanted to.. uhm.." Yang muttered "To..?" And Yang puffed his cheeks, unsure of how to go about what he wanted "Just because, you know, youve been having a bad day i thiught that- well maybe becuase- And the elevator..."

Tissues furrowed his brows confuesedly, Yin shook his head and rolled their eyes. That was before stepping closer to Tissues and placing their hands on Tissues' face. Both Yang and Tissues flushed red "I uhm.. well-" But Yang cur himself off and softly coneccted his and Tissues' lips

Tissues didn't say a word when they pulled away "Yeah.." Yang tightened his lips and nodded slightly "I uh hope your day gets better" He said, before stepping back in the elevator and spamming the close door button.

Tissues jsut stood. Shocked, bewildered, flabbergasted, frozen in place, awe struck.

He gently brought a hand to his mouth

'That.. That really just happened' He thought. Yin-Yang had really just kisses him. And all the sudden Tissues was grinning like an idiot. An idiot in love. Wow.

As Tissues walked back to his room. He couldn't help but feel corrected. On one hand, no longer having his condishawn would make his day batter. But a kiss from Yin-Yang? Well, he supposed that coukd help too...


934 words.

Tissyang brain rot :P

Also I think im going to identify as AroAce, jsut to see how it fits I guess :/


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