🥐So... this happened...🥐

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I was sitting in art class, and currently, we're collaborating with the STEM class because the teachers are friends. So I'm in twice the size of class with a bunch of strangers. But the silly thing is that the kids I'm friends with have friends in the STEM class. One of these kids walks up and asks one of the kids that I'm sitting at a table with

"Do you want to be a door or a burrito?"

And the kid replies

"A door!"

We're all confused, right? It's just silly kid shenanigans, I assume. Well, oh boy, was I wrong! A different kid I'm sitting with asks what the hell they're talking about, and the door kid says

"*Kids name* needs voice actors for his show! It's Total Drama style but with objects instead!"

Oh, how oblivious these kids are...

I immediately shoot up and start making the most god-awful noises!

"Acks! " and "Eeks!" As I flail my stupid hands and jump in my seat, and I point violently at him.

"Like an actual object show!?!??!"

He nods his head

"Yeah, like BFDI type thing, you're familiar?"

At this point, my shit is far gone.

"I freaking love object shows!"

I practically shriek. Everyone is confused, and for once in my life, I'm, at my own will, talking with a stranger with a big smile on my face. I point at a picture on the table, one I had given to the door kid because they liked it, and I figured I didn't need it anymore.

"You guys think I just draw objects as humans for sillies! But it's actually object shows!!"

The object show kid looks at the picture, a picture of Trophy.

"Oh! That's from Inanimate Insanity, right?"

I nod my head furiously. He grabs the confused kids' computer and looks up Inanimate Insanity and BFDI images. I'm so freaking out at this point! I can't sit still, and I'm going on and on with this kid! Talking about II, BFDI, ONE, and even AIB, though he isn't familiar with it.

We don't go into too much detail, I hold myself back.

"Sorry, that was a completely inappropriate reaction,"

Though it's most likely a neurodivirgent thing and all the kids at my table are on the spectrum or ADHD ect. I still apologize.

"Your face is all red!"

A third kid points out.

"Yeah, whenever I talk about object shows, my face gets all red, and my pupils dialate!" (As pointed out by another friend when we had gotten into the topic)

Yeah, that's how I found an object show fan in the wild! Pretty cool. He's making an object show, and I plan to watch it.

I have no idea what it's called, I don't even know this kids name, but I am literally so excited! It's been almost 3 months since I lasted talked to my "best friend," so it's so refreshing to be able to talk to other kids and be making friends at my new school! As I've mentioned in other chapters, I moved to the complete other side of my country and was terrified I'd have no one.

Surprisingly, I'm doing well. Which is nice :)


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