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I never smoked weed :(

Uhh, but my parents did, and Google.

I did my researchies, so I think I'm qualified to write about this. I am not just going into this blindly, and I don't want to get anything wrong.

(Yeah, because fucking Wattpad-ers can tell me what it's like to have zaza and rizz and therfore prove what I wrote to be infactual or otherwise incorrect.)

On top of that, if anyone remembers my lil opening schpiel about no smut or lime or anything like that... well, it's a little bit limey up in here. Okay, hear me out, they're high, they're boyfriend's, it's just some kiss face and some butt grabbing but (butt) yeah...

Knickle gets lit, and maybe some of that W rizz, too.

After being separated for some time, some couples shared being back together with big fancy dinners. Some preferred romantic evenings of copulation. But others, well, others didn't need much more than a lighter and a couple joints. Maybe even just a single blunt to split between the two.

That was the exact situation Knife and Pickle had gotten into after Knife was finally allowed to leave the season two competition grounds.

Knife held his trusty lighter out to Pickle, who held their prized possession of the evening over the open flame. The thing started to smoke, and embers started to glow, so Knife snapped the lid shut, putting out the lighter. Pickle pulled the blunt back and took a huff of the smoke, Knife threw his lighter onto a nerby table. Not long after, the blunt was passed to him.

Knife felt content with the warm feeling of smoke in his lungs. But as soon as it came, he exhaled, and it left. Though less content, he felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. The passing of the blunt became second nature to the duo as they brought their focus to conversation and each other.

"You alright? Can't imagine staying out there for some time was ideal,"

Knife sighed, Pickle was right. It honestly brought a lot of stress to the final four. Considering their already not so good condition, the last thing they needed was Mephone disappearing. Lightbulb worked double time to keep the mood high, but she needed to take a fucking break and inevitably it caught up to her. Much unfortunately in front of everyone. Baseball mostly curled in on himself and was emotionally distant from everyone, feeling that there were definitely people who needed the attention more. And Suitcase, god, she took it so horribly.

Knife was okay trying to provide some stability to everyone, but he might have gotten so caught up in making sure everyone else was okay that he forgot to make sure he was okay.

"Could be better, but eh," he said, inhaling another puff of smoke.

"Don't just 'eh' me, what's up?" Pickle asked, intertwining their unoccupied hands.

Knife squeezed Pickles' hand, letting his head fall back and closing his eyes.

"It was just tormenting to be out there, for everyone. Suitcase was convinced Mephone had been kidnapped and swore she could hear him calling out to us, Lightbulb just assumed he'd abandoned us all together, which technically he did, and the last thing Baseball needed on his plate was another disappearance. After episode 14, a break was definitely needed, but maybe a heads up was, too," Knife growled the last bit.

Pickle tugged his hand and brought Knife closer to him. Eventually, he even wrapped his arm around Knifes waist. The latter shuffled a bit until they were both in comfortable enough positions to sit still.

"Hold up, you're avoiding my question again," Pickle said. "How did it make you feel," he said, with an emphasis on 'you'.

"It... It scared me shitless," but he quickly added, "but only for a bit!"

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