🥐Rediscovering The Dark🥐

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Plot: Scenty's first night back from the plain

Scenty = Amelia

Scenty's POV

"And the person eliminated is... going home... now-" Finally! I finally did it! Im going home! Or I was home... I'm here... What now? I walked over to my door and pushed it open. A ton of dust filled the air, I guess it had been a while since I last opened the door. It felt like I was playing one of those story games, the ones where every choice you made matters. Suddenly I heard something drop to the floor along with someone gasping. I looked to my right and, I don't know if it was the dust or the fact that after almost a year I finally got to see my mom again, but I was tearing up "Oh my god..." She was crying too, that made me feel better "mom.." "Is this... i cant is that really my baby?" I ran over to her and hugged her tight "I know... Theres a lot to explain but... i just.. for now i just want this" I felt my mother nod as she hugged me back. "Oh i better get this laundry off the floor" This was what I needed, to just get back to my normal life. I didn't want to forget the plain I just wanted to be normal again "I kniw you said you didnt want to talk about it but-" "mom" "I just want to know if your alright? Did that bastard hurt you?" "..." technically I died because of him and I certainly wasn't going to be okay mentally for awhile. I was starved, underweight, this might reflect on my current relationship with food but... u want to belive I'm okay, the best way to do that is to make others believe it too "Im fine... I didnt get hurt... Probably one of the least harmed people there heh" I could tell my mom wanted to push it but she just started to put the laundry back in the basket she dropped.

The rest if the day we just chatted, not about the plain, but about life and things I missed. Everything was fine and normal, well maybe I ate less than normal and sure I was a bit tired and maybe I jumped at a few more things only occasionally did I find myself day dreaming away, but other than that everything was normal. Or so I thought. As much as I was excited to go to bed, with the lights off and alone... well I started to dread it more and more. Once again I was drifting off, my mother knocked on my door frame to get mu attention. "Hey.. Im gonna lock uo the doors and turn off the lights then im going to bed okay? Im just down the halk if you need anything?" "O-okay! Goodnight" "goodnight" She turned my light off and closed the door on her way out, habit I guess from when I was little. She always did that I don't know what I expected but something about it made me sad. I hadn't told her about there not being night in the plain, I didn't tell her about most of us sleeping close by just for comfort and yet still I wanted her to keep the light on, I wanted her to come tuck me in and make me feel safe, I wanted her to read my mind but she couldn't. So there I sat, in the dark, alone, scared, petrified and stuck. I don't know how long I sat like that but eventually I got up and turned the light on. 'Until I'm certain that they all can sleep with the lights off and in a bed safe, u won't either' I told myself. For some reason I felt like I didn't deserve this. I found myself curled up on the floor with the lights on. It was pathetic, more pathetic than when I was crying because my mommy didn't leave a nightlight on for me and when she didn't come and kiss me goodnight. What was I? A child? No, I was a grown adult and yet I still felt unloved because of that. I don't remember the last time my mom kissed me goodnight, probably years ago. I still wanted that. I wanted to be the scenty that didn't go to the plain. I wanted to be the scenty that didn't worry about life. I wanted to be the scenty that wasn't embarrassed by living in my parents house. I wanted to be the scenty that was happy. But I can't be that scenty. I was the scenty who couldn't remember to use her own name. I was scenty. She was Amelia. We are diffrent because she slept peacefully in her bed, clean and with the lights off and I slept on the floor covered in tears a dirt and sweat with the lights on because I was scared. I was scared of airey and the plain and I felt like I didn't deserve that opportunity.

845 words. God I'm not being too happy am I? Meh whatever I'll write kissey stuff later. One tomorrow everybody! I wonder what'll happen, also I got my mom into inanimate insanity. Bombs her favorite. I don't really know why because me and my sister were watching it so I guess she might have overheard some of it but still. She just said 'I like bomb, he's my favorite' also I almost fucking had a heart attack because we were like three episodes in and my sister said she liked balloon. I almost turned into the youngest. After that though she realized he was kinda rude, mind you we are only on season one so Balloon hasn't had his redemption ark yet or whatever. Now her favorite is taco ❤️

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