🥐The Gays Can Be Happy🥐

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As the title suggests, I will FOR ONCE not write Salter angst


I know 😔


Salter (saltxpepper)

(Humnaized and established relationship)


Salt smiled in the mirror as she smoothed out her favorite silver dress. Her beloved girlfriend had invited her to a picnic and Salt was beyond ecstatic! It had been a while since they'd done anything, opting to stay in and watch their favorite shows. While Salt enjoyed just spending time with her girlfriend, it was nice to go out a do something.

After a few minutes of admiring her reflection, Salt made her way out of the hotel. It wasn't long until she'd spot Pepper, sitting atop a cream (dont. just- MmyKjjm) colored blanket. Pepper immediately noticed her girlfriend and rushed to greet her "Oh salty salt you made it!" Pepper said pulling her into a tight hug "Wouldnt miss it for the world" Salt responded sweetly

"Im glad i get to spend time with you" she said. Pepper nodded, reaching to grab Salts delicately placed hand. "I brought food if your hungry, and wine" Pepper said with a wink, Salt laughed, oh how Pepper loved Salts laugh. She was so glad that she heard it almost all the time

"Yes please" Salt said, Pepper grabbed a discarded bottle and two glasses, before pouring themselves a drink. "Hows your day, like, been Salty?" Pepper asked, handing over the drink "Its been totes good" Salt said with a smile "Ive so been looking foreward to this" Pepper nodded "Well, I hope to not, like, disappoint" "You couldn't ever Peps!" Salt said, taking a drink, Pepper nodded, smiling giddily whilst repeating Salts action

"How about you? How was your day?" "Its been sups great!" Pepper said "Im really excited to be hanging out with you"

Because despite being together nearly every second of the day, Salt and Pepper enjoyed and cherished every second they spent together. "Gee" Salt said, breaking their very much comfortable scilence "The island sure is pretty this, like, time of day" Pepper hummed in agreement, taking another sip of her drink. The two sat in scilence once again, something not so unwelcomed..

"You said you, like, brought food?" Pepper turned to look at her girlfriend "Mhm!" She nodded "You hungry?" Salt pressed a hand to her forehead and threw her head back dramatically "Famished!" She said Pepper giggled and Salt smiled, admiring the way her nose scrunched the way it did when she laughed

"I brought your faves!" Salts eyes widened "Strawberries!?" Pepper smiled, a big wide smile "Chocolate coverd" Salt clapped her finger tips together "Oh Pepper!" She exclaimed, before throwing herself onto the other woman. Embracing her into a tight hug "You truly are my, like, soul mate!" Pepper pat her girlfriend on the back, before she sat up to enjoy the food.

Salt, after sitting up, scooched closer to Pepper and wrapped and arm around her waist. "This is the bestest date i have ever been on" She said, before placing a berry delicately in her mouth "Even better than that ine guy who took you to Italy?" Salt sat and pondered for a second before biting the strawberry completely and saying

"Yeah" she nodded as she chewed her food "Itaky was cool but it was totes sketch, ruined the vibe" Pepper hummed "Right. The point, where?" Salt laughed "Money flex, thats the where" Pepper raised her eyebrows as she ate a strawberry herself "Thanks for taking me in a date" Salt said, Pepper nodded with a smile

"Anything" she said through her food "I love you"

Salt smiled, tilting her head to touch her lovers "Love you more"


Omga! They're not dying! Totes super cute 🥺

616 words


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