🥐Uh oh (Taco)🥐

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Why does the title rhyme lol

Plot: When microphone forfeits and gives her speech to taco they end up in a somewhat void. When microphone finishes her speech taco expects to go back to her spot in the woods but things don't seem to go her way

WARNING: This is a horror chapter and may disturb some audiences. Please proceed with caution.

Tacos POV

"See? This is why you listen to me, Mic." I said, "Delectable, isn't it?" I continued. This is what I've been trying to do and it's finally done! "Finally a taste of recognition. Finally, I can finally-" "Is that what you said to pickle?" Microphone said. Now I was suddenly in some white endless void. Her cold and ever-so-tired eyes looked back at me. I wish I could say she was sad maybe disappointed or confused but she just looked... blank. "Make him think he was doing what he wanted?" My mouth went dry. I wanted to say something, anything but... I couldn't... "Like he was heard?" Come on taco Just spit out just anything! Ugh!! "I thought I gained a friend," she said "But I really gained nothing" with that she was gone. I clenched my fists and squeezed my eyes shut. I refuse to cry I refuse to be upset and yet I still am! I let out a long breath before opening my eyes again. I wiped my tears and focused on my surroundings as it seems I was no longer in the void. "Huh?" I wasn't in the void but I wasn't in the forest either, where am I? The place stunk of wet carpet and was lit by fluorescent lights together let off a quite annoying buzzing sound. "H-hello?" I called out. That was stupid what did I expect, a response? I walked forward into another room and it looked exactly the same. I walked into the next room and the next. I took lefts and rights I walked forwards and backwards and still, it was the same thing over and over again. The buzzing, the smell, and that same annoying yellow wallpaper were EVERYWHERE. Soon I found myself running and with the running came yelling and maybe some crying. I stopped in a room and just fell onto my knees "WHERE THE HELL AM I!?" I screamed. I grabbed onto either side of my head and just began to sob. "Please let me out" I whispered. Suddenly I heard I loud and distorted sound from one of the rooms. If that thing sound maybe just a little more human I would have felt comforted or safe but just the way It was ever so slightly off just maybe me feel bad. I stood up and turned around before making, out of all of my mistakes, regrettably the worst one yet. I talked to it "Who's there!?" And then it stumbled into view. It was humanoid but looked too disfigured to even be classified as such. I turned what I assumed to be its head to look at me and something in me told me to run. Run, it said, run fast as fast as you can. And I did...

It isn't... endless... unfortunately

It had dead ends.. some that stretched for a few feet and others longer than I could see...

But one thing was clear...

It's infinite..

No door...

No exit...

No escape...

I'm no longer on earth.

I might even be in a world entirely different.

How many of these places exist?

How long have I been here?

Are there other people?

Is there somewhere to go?

A goal that must be met?

Something... anything...






"it's here."


626 words! Okay, this one is definitely a favorite. I know I say that I enjoy writing all my chapters but this one is just.. *mwah* chefs kiss definitely. ONE SEASON 2 TOMORROW WOOOO

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