🥐Gay gay and more gay! (Cheesy x Trophy)🥐

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Plot: A very proud gay helps his bud realize how fucking gay he is.
Comedy gold! (Cheesy x trohy)

Cheeseys POV

I was walking from one of my weekly stand up comedy shows to mine and trophy shared room with abit of pep in my steep. You see Sadly I wasn't greeted with the presence of a trophy this show and it worried me some. I had spent the entire morning walking outside and reciting some nature related pubs just really enjoying myself before heading to the show and with trophy leaving suuuppopeeerrr early in the morning to go on a jog, I had yet to see him that day and, though this might be a bit cringe, I was worried and longed to see him. Despite trophy always coming to my shows just to antagonize me (Booing me, telling me my jokes suck, saying im not funny ect.) he always showed up for them. Maybe it's because he usually has an herbal tea conveniently the exact time I do my show or because he set his schedual up purposefully to be like that he was always there. Always. I pushed the door to our room open slightly and heard a soft noise coming from inside (it was me banging your mom🥰) It crept in closing the door softly behind me. Call it cliché but I really wanted to be there for trophy and I know if I was loud he would most likely feel like he's being a burden. As I walked closer to his bed his sobbing became more apparent. I guess trophy still hadn't noticed I had entered because it took me sitting on his bed to make him acknowledge me. "Ugh cheesy what do you want" he said trying not to sound like he was, which he did terribly. "I- uhm" well shit I didn't think his far "Just wanted to check on you?" I said. More like asked I didn't know what the duck I was "Well thanks so much for your compassion or whatever but, how do i say this nicely... Oh well i dont really fucking car, get the fuck out before i smash your skull into the floor" scilence filled the room besides trophys occasionally sniffle "Areyou fucking deaf!" He said "I just wat to make surr your okay..." I said back "Im fine!" "I dont belive that" "Didnt ask for your beliefs." He spat Atleast tell me why your crying?" I asked him "Im not fucking crying" and with that he shoved of his bed. O raised my eyebrow at him "Really? You're certain you definitely aren't crying?" "..." "Thats what i thought" I crossed my arms and trophy just scoffed rolling his eyes "Leave cheesy. " he said laying on his side and pulling the covers over his head "Im not leaving until you tell me why your crying." I kept pushing the subject "Cheesy." "TrOpHy." I said mocking him "Im serious." He said through the covers "For once in my life I am too!" I yelled. I'm not serious all the time but sometimes I wish people would take me serious when I was "Just go the fuck away" trophy said "Im getting pretty fucking pissed. " I said "Im being serious! I want to help you but if you keep up this tough guy, asshole personality im not even gonna leave you ate just going to make things harder!" I stood up and pulled the covers off of trophy "Hey!" He yelled at me "fucking worthless peice of shit" okay wow rude much "Ive told you coumtless times just tell my whats the problem and I'll leave" I hugged the covers close to me "you wanna know what the problem is?" He said. Oh my gosh no I just want to keep asking what the problem is I don't actually want to know "Yeah, thats why im asking" I said "You cheesy." What "What?" "YOU. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM." Oh... I didn't know he felt that way "You're annoying" not the first time I've heard that "And loud youre also not funny." Heard that already "I really want to punch you everytime i see you your laugh is obnoxious" Damm. I just starred back at trophy and didnt sya anything "You also care to much and everythings your business. You dont understand boundries and tou dont understand privacy" Pfft not true... I think... "Your also extremely insensitive and dont undertsanf why people sometimes dont want to talk to you!" "Okay now your just being mean" I said "Oh thats just the tip of the whole ass mother fucking iceberg." I shifted my feet uncomfortably "I hate you. I hate the way you make me feel. Your confusing and you make everything ive ever been certain of uncertain. " How is that my fault!? "I have never looked at a wimp such as yourself and thought of being nice to it." Oh I'm the confusing on sure "Ive never looked at a guy and wanted to be nice to him the way i want to be nice to you" hmm you really suck at it too "Cheesy ive heard of people liking girls the way i like you." Oh? "You make me feel giddy and nervous and i never understood what having butterflies in my stomach was until i met you." Oh "You make me feel... wrong. I-i think.. And i think i love you.. No. I know i love you." OH "And... whats so wrong with that..." I said fiddling with my thumbs "alot... I hardly even thought of liking guys and when i did i was told it was bad and i just told you every reason i hated you. I suck at self improvment which sucks especially when you know your bad and i know i am. I dont even know if your gay. Hell im still not sure if im gay and-" I put my hand on top of his "Who said i wasnt gay because i think im pretty gay all the time." Trophy scoffed "I cant tell tou if your gay trophy... no one can except you" poked his chest "And i cant tell you if its agood or bad thing but god you surendont seem to mind doing 'bad' things" we laughed "You have changed trophy... You just refuse to belive that you can be good." I said "You know... I think i know how to tell if im gay or not.." he said looking at me with a mischievous look in his eye "Ooo and whats that" 10 bucks! Am I gay quizzes! "This" and then he kissed me. He kissed me! That's not am I gay quizzes ooooh but it was so much better! Fuck! Trophy pulled back "Hmm i think i am gay" he said. I put my hands to my face "I think im the gay one" I said. God you could fry and egg on my face right now! "Really?" Trophy said smirking "And proud" I said in response.

1205 words!! This was very gay yes much homosexual its coming can yall feel it. The pride monster it's rising! Happy pride month yall hope you have a good one!

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