🥐Payjay again🥐

940 9 45

Plot: Paper gives OJ a massage in the most un-sexual way possible because I am in severe debt to the fluff factory and need to make rent to stay on wattpad 👍

What a day to be manager of hotel OJ! The sun was shining, a light breeze was blowing through the windows and the Cherries were trying to, and succeeding, at stealing and burying other residents things. But I mean, hey, that's the hotel life for ya! Needless to say, OJ was finding this whole "being in charge" thing quite stressful. Today would be no diffrent than any other though.

"You know, you could take a break every once in a while" Paper suggested from his position across the yard. He himself was taking the day off and found spending his time gardening to be quite relaxing. OJ on the other hand was digging up Yin-Yangs precious Encyclopedia of Insects. OJ sighed "And let the Cherries bury the whole place? I just dont think its worth the risk." He chuckled though Paper wasn't amused.

"So they bury some of the residents stuff, maybe they should come get it themselves. I get you feel responsible for them in a way but the Cherries will always be little pranksters and we will all at some point fall victim to their acts. Seriously OJ, you arent really the Cherries parent, you dont need to be responsible for them like this." OJ hummed distastefully "Yeah but-" "Look, im sure the hotel could handle themselves without you for atleast an hour." OJ was about to make up another bullshit excuse but he couldn't quite find the words

Alas, Paper continued "And, who knows, maybe things will go well and you can leave them alone for a little longer?" He didn't wait for a response, instead going inside to put his gardening stuff away. 'Maybe i can afford to rest for an hour' OJ couldn't help but think. OJ followed his friends footsteps, quite literally, Paper had already put his gardening aside so it was the least he could do right?

It didn't take long for OJ to catch up to Paper, possibly because of their vast hight diffrence leading to large diffrence in their step sizes, but it could also have been because an odd pep that found its way into OJ's step. "So, Paper, since your such an expert on this whole 'relaxing' thing, how do you suggest is spend my hour?" There was a hint of genuin qustion in OJ's playful tone. "Well i dont consider my self an expert but if you must take recommendations, sometimes when my mom got to stressed from, well honestly whatever, she would basically lay down in front of the TV and let me rub in some kind of lotion or oiks into her back. It was fun and distracting for me but it apparently was very soothing for her" OJ raised his eyebrows and hummed at Papers tale, in which the other laughed at.


                          ⁽ᵀʰᶦˢ ᶦˢ ᵃ ᶜʳʸ ᶠᵒʳ ʰᵉˡᵖ⁾

After a few minutes of OJ awkwardly standing in the middle of Papers room while he searched for whatever lotion he swore he had a bottle of, Paper had announced his success "Got it!" He stood up before reading off of the bottle "It's a kid-friendly and gender-neutral formula designed to hydrate and renew even the most sensitive skin... Some of the ingredients are lemon, which is what gives it the citrus smell, cedar leaf and red cedar which improve cerebral activity, relax the body, enhance concentration and decrease hyperactivity. It also can reduce harmful stress, ease tension and clear the mind as well as encouraging the onset of quality sleep. Theres also eucalyptus which is associated with decreasing blood pressure and anxiety. Apparently it's believed to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation. Then Patchouli oil which as a bunch of physical benefits but ultimately can relieve depression and can provide feelings of relaxation, helping to ease stress and/or anxiety. Lastly, lavender which is famous for its sedative and relaxitive properties."


      ⁽ᵀʰᶦˢ ᶦˢ ᵃ ˢᶦᵍⁿ ᴵ ᵃᵐ ᴺᴼᵀ ᵐᵉⁿᵗᵃˡˡʸ ʷᵉˡˡ ʰᵉʰᵉ⁾

"Thats.... Alot" The two shared a quick laugh "Alright enough messing around, take your shirt off." "O-OH" Though Paper didn't mean to sound so demanding it is kind of hard to say such a thing without coming off a little strong "SHIT I- sorry sorry! I didmt mean it like- Well- I-" Paper sighed defeatedly "Theres no recovering from that is there?" OJ chuckled before discarding his shirt to the end of the bed "No, heh, not really" He offered a kind smile which Paper embarrassingly returned.

Paper climbed into the center of his bed before patting the area infront of him "Dont just stand there, we are doing this for you after all!" OJ complied, laying in front of Paper with his head in his arms. It was... a little weird to be honest. OJ didn't really know much about relaxing, sure, but he didn't think it involved being shirtless in front of a guy you find somewhat attractive.

It took a while to get used to the feeling of the cold substance in his back but once he did, God was this nice. Focusing on the way the lotion smelled instead of what might happen while he was distracted, that feeling of a weight sliding off his shoulders. A weight that was replaced by Papers soft loving hands that rubbed gentle circles in his back, fingertips providing a comforting pressure to his lower back, the way his thumbs pushed and pulled at the space between his shoulder blades. Though it only happened a few times, the feeling of his soft fingertips accidently grazing over OJ's sides and the way it gave him physical chills, sending a shiver down his spine and little electric sparks through bus entire body.

Paper would laugh. Everytime OJ squirmed and shivered a small giggle would fill the comfortable silence between them, everytme it brought a smile to OJ's lips. Sometimes it seemed like Paper was doing it on purpose, he always seemed to lightly pass over such ticklish parts of OJ, to many times to have been an accident but bot enough times to have ever brought up the subject.

It made OJ feel vulnerable in a way that wanst half bad. Being shirtless and covered in a magic lotion whilst being massaged like a marinated pork butt by the man you may or may not have feelings for was weird and vulnerable and yet OJ was at peace. So maybe it was the lotion doing its magic or maybe the magic that was Papers hands, OJ felt so relaxed for once in his life! Sure, he'd only agree to feel this good for an hour if things went well, but it would be an hour he'd cherish forever nonetheless.

After what seemed to be a not enough time and a lifetime all in the same Papers hands had slowed to a stop, now just barley moving his thumbs in small back and fourth motions. OJ peeked back at the other before speaking barely above a small whisper or grumble "You good?" Paper perked up "hm? Yeah sorry" Paper let out a small airy chuckle and OJ hummed "s'kay just making sue you okay, bothings wrong right?" OJ cocked (hehe cock) an eyebrow but resumed his place with his eyes closed and in his arms "Yeah... you just have so many freckles on your back, its pretty..." weather it slipped his mouth or Paper meant to say it, neither acknowledged the compliment

Maybe a little more than just an hour had passed while OJ relaxed, in the end it didn't matter. Like mentioned before it would be something he woukd cherish forever, a moment he'd carry everywhere for the rest of eternity. The time he was finally able to relax, all thanks to his best friend amd some magical lotion.

1345 words, pretty decent not a half bad haoter. I might started ranting and maybe this whole thing was dumb but it's late and I couldn't care less. Love you guys, take care

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