🥐Homo? (KnifexPickle)🥐

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Plot: homosexuals reunite

Pickles POV

It was late at night and most of the hotel was in the main room as the inanimate insanity season 2 cast/competition that remained were allowed to stay in the hotel instead of staying in the team cabins. Friends were excited to see eachother and broken alliances were ready to finally have a word. If you know what I mean. I wasnplaying video games with soap and microphone who were waiting with me to see knife. Soap, as usual was beating me and microphone in some random first person shooter game I got on sale that weekend and for how cheap it was it was pretty good and definitely something knife would enjoy playing. Mic and soap were giggling at something which was really distracting I looked over at them for a second before hearing some random boom from the TV and someone snicker behind me. I looked at the TV and found out microphone and soap were hiding so that the mer second i took to look at them the could throw some grenade they found killing me instantly and the snicker came from none other than knife himself "You suck at this game you could clearly see them hiding" he said smiling "I dont look at their screens kinds defeats the point of playing against eachother" I said smiling back feeling like a kid in a candy store "No i mean they were hiding behind a crate that you were looking at directly" he said shaking his head "Whatever" he took a seat next to me and microphone handed him a controller "Anything interesting happen since the last time i was here?" Knife asked "Yin yang shived a sharpie in the wall" soap said "Yeah im not sure weather OJ was mad at the hole in the wall or the fact that they broke the 'dont draw on the wall' rule" Mic added and the two started to laugh "Other than that though not much" I said "Hey soap! Sorry to dissrupt you but do you think you could just tody up the kitchen? I'll even pay you i just dont have the time right now" OJ said "Sure!" Soap got up and mic left with her. Just me and knife I guess "So" i said awkwardly "Yeah.." Knife said "Wanna go to my room" I said trying to give us something to do, I think knife already figured that part out though "Only if we are going to make out" he said and without thinking I just said "Bet" "Homo though" he said "All the homo" we rushed off to my room and that's exactly how we spent that evening

And that's how I met your father


472 words, this has sat in my drafts for way to long so here I guess

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