🥐Thumbs out (Nickel x balloon)🥐

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Plot: Nickel convinces balloon to hitchhike with him, things don't go according to plan

No one's POV

"Nickel you're crazy! What if something happens? Something bad?" Balloon pleaded "Exactly!" Nickel said "Thats the fun in hitchhiking! Tha danger, its thrilling!" "Nickel please... just wait for the bus. I know its long but its safer!" Balloon didn't understand what was so fun about doing dangerous things but Nickel was persistent "Learn to have some fun in awhile!" Nickel said walking closer to th road "Besides, i know what I'm doing! Dont wver tell the driver wherw you're going, be in control abd ask where their going. Its so simple to stay safe if you do it right" he said "Wheather i do it alone or not" Nickel said looking back slyly "Is up to you" balloon sighed and walked back to Nickel and they both stuck their thumbs out. Sooner or later it started to rain and not long after a small red pick up truck pulled to the side of the road. Nickel looked at Balloon and smiled before the two of them climbed into the truck excitedly. Sadly there was only one row in the truck and already two passengers so Balloon and Nickel had to squeeze into the middle seat between what seemed to be a husband, driving, and his wife, sitting passenger, "So whats two young boys like you doing out here?" The woman asked. They had just finished hanging out with baseball and suitcase but as Nickel said, stay in control and turn the questions around "The real question is what kind of couple drives hours away from the city in the middle of the night picking up hitchhiking kids" Nickel said looking at the couple uncomfortably "We were just... passing through" the man said shifting uneasily. Nickel looked at Balloon and smirked, he was right, they had avoided some danger by turning the attention onto the couples instead of themselves "So where are you headed" the woman said "Not that far, what about you guys? Hopfully it will be close enough to where we're going" Balloon said "If not im sure theres a bus we could take" Nickel added. It seemed that as the minutes went on the couple was just getting more and more uncomfortable. "So where are you guys headed?" Balloon asked, the couple stayed quiet. Suddenly the car turned to the right, harshly, and the four were on a dirt, more like mud, road. "WHAT THE HELL!?" Nickel yelled, Balloon grabbed his chest and was breathing hard. "Okay thats great! You can drop us off now!" Nickel yelled. He reached over the woman to open the door but she locked it a pushed his hand back "This is our stop!" He said again taking his seat belt off "No i dont think so" the woman said "I think you too should join us for dinner-" the man was cut off by red and blue lights flashing behind them. The man growled and pulled to the side of the road. A police officer walked up to the window and the man rolled it down "Sir are you aware that this road is closed?" The Officer asked looking in at Balloon and Nickel "No sir." The man said "Well im going to ask that you leave immediately" the officer said "Ah you know it would be really kind of you, sir, if you could just drop me and my friend off at that bus stoo that aint to far from here" Nickel said and balloon nodded eagerly "Alright... sir syep out of the vehicle and let these two out" the man did as he was told and Balloon and Nickel rushed out. They got in the back of the police car and watched as the couple drove off in their truck "You two alright?" The Officer said driving twords the bus stop "Yeah... just been a crazy night"
Balloon said "Alright" he said "Never again" Nickel said "Danger not as fun as you remember?" Balloon said annoyed "Nah, you were the problem in that situation" Nickel said snickering "What!? How am i the problem!" Balloon shouted "You could never protect me! And you suck at talkingme out of things. I do things like this with baseball all the time and we have never been kidnapped! Its because baseball is totally tough and looks like it to-" Balloon cut Nickel off "Baseball looks more like a marshmallow than Marshmallow!" He yelled "... I was totally the problem in that situation-" "Yes! Yes you were because you are ignorant and you dont ever think if the consequences of your actions! One day its going to come back and bite you in your ass! ACTUALLY IT DID! TODAY" "Wow" Nickel said "That sounds like simething tea kettle would say" Balloon huffed and crossed his arms "And thats totally wrong. I was the problem because im totally tough and would definitely save baseball if we were being kidnapped but its very obvious i wouldnt do that with you" Nickel said with a smirk "Bus stop" the officer said "Dont get yoursekves in any danger" he said. "Atleast we will be home soon" Balloon said sitting on the bench under the cover of the bus stop "Yeah" Nickel said "Soon"

880 words! Got this idea from a writers block thing and I think it's pretty good 👍

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