Let me Leave

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First one woo. Just a warning a big part of this talks about suicide so just be careful. Wilbur also has like, this sort if meltdown idk. If there's anything I should add let me know please. Also this was requested by Sparkkko-o

edit: you guys Wilbur is not going to Utah

The wind was quiet, the warm air was still up here. Wilbur doesn't think he likes that. He'd much rather have harsh winds and a chill in the air that kept him busy and distracted rather than having his thoughts continue to run around in his mind.

But it would have to work, for now, it's really the only place in Las Nevadas that provides a bit of privacy and isn't just a random alleyway.

Despite being banned, refused, locked out- any other phrases to say that he's not allowed here, in this country, Wilbur finds himself at the top of the needle tower, overlooking the land he's trespassing in.

Everywhere he looks there's not enough flash and shine that the country usually shows. Instead, nothing provides a distraction from how dull and still everything is.

So his thoughts take his attention, swarming him as he sits there wishing he wasn't.

Wilbur shakes his head for the umpteenth time, wrapping his arms around his legs that are curled up against his chest. He wishes these thoughts would just leave. Disappear, out of his mind and then maybe- maybe he'll be better.

'It wasn't my fault.' He tries to repeat the phrase in his head, hoping it will overcome the ones that tell him differently. 'I'm fine- I wouldn't cause that, not me.'

Thankfully, or maybe not thankfully, Wilbur hears the ping of an elevator finally bring him out of his head. But then Quackity walked out, preparing himself a cigarette.

Wilbur sniffs, straightening his posture from where he sits on the floor. Quackity takes notice of him immediately, face dropping as he sighs and shoves a lighter back into his pocket.

"Wilbur why the fuck are you here?" Quackity asks with a groan, crossing his arms and tilting his head. "I can't be bothered with this today."

It was now that Wilbur realized the thoughts weren't as loud anymore. Still there, definitely, but more so lingering in the back with a hum instead of consuming him. Wonderful.

So Wilbur rushes to his feet, dusting off his pants and blinking at Quackity, not actually having anything to say. "Uh, well, hello to you too."

Quackity, as expected, rolls his eyes.

"Wilbur, why are you here?"

Wilbur knows why. But he's not so sure about telling Quackity. Heck, he can't even tell himself, well, can't admit it. So he keeps silent.

"Say something or leave, either way, stop staring at me." Quackity tells him, walking past Wilbur out towards the rails. "We both know you aren't allowed here."

Wilbur swallows, turning around to see Quackity lean against the silver rails, remembering when he was standing there himself before he tore away and curled up against the nearest wall. Wilbur tries to hide a frown, but Quackity was looking at him, and he totally caught it.

But it remains silent between them, Wilbur's mind dancing around for an excuse that he could use when Quackity asks him why he was here for the third time.

Quackity shifts where he stands, uncrossing his arms, the movement quickly gaining Wilbur's attention. "You good?"

Wilbur shuts his mouth as soon as it opens. Quackity did not, in fact, ask him why he was here. So he nods, shoving his hands in his pocket. "Oh I'm great, love the view from up here and all."

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now