Game Show

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A//N: Sorry for the lack of content lately, been super busy and a bit unmotivated

I've written a few things here and there

I will complete all my stories, though, I don't intend on leaving any of them behind without finishing them. I just haven't had the most time to do so, and I want to be somewhat proud of them and the best they can be for both you guys and myself.

But anywho, hope you like this little drabble

It's on, cameras recording and a live audience watching too, down below the stage.

Wilbur loves this, he truly does. The lights casting down upon the three lecterns set evenly across the stage, his over at the far left (appearing right on screen), and big smiles all around.

It's game time.

Game show time, that is.

Wilbur loves coming here, hearing the hype of the crowd when he's introduced as a contestant, their laughs when he's managing to be good enough.

By that he means be funny. The game show focuses around comedy skits, and Wilbur has been looking forward to this all day.

The show bit, of course. Totally not the view he gets when he turns to his right, facing another contestant, his friend, Quackity.

He's bathed in the yellow lighting, the pink and orange theme around them somehow perfectly bringing out the sharpness of his blue jumper, brown eyes scanning the large room with a sense of eagerness that Wilbur can almost feel him buzzing from where he stands.

Gods, something about that man.

Something about Quackity makes Wilbur's chest seize up. He might die. Happy at least, he'd die happy.

All this being said in a total not romantic, friends only type of way, of course.

It's not like Wilbur has spent countless nights debating whether or not just to say "fuck it" and ask Quackity to join him for dinner.

But in a not-so-only-friend way.

Obviously he hasn't asked, and obviously they have gone out to eat together before.

But not in the way Wilbur so embarrassingly dreamt of, warm giggles and sweet smiles, faces covered gently with blush, and...

And kissing. Yup.

But for the sake of his own mind and focus, Wilbur denies any of this as soon as he walks out on stage.

So he doesn't stare at Quackity, only spares him a small glance before the show begins.

His stomach hurts from laughing at the last bit they did, where Charlie, the third contedtant and his good friend, had given one of the funniest performances he has seen.

His mouth almost feels sore from smiling, and he straightens up his posture as Schlatr, the host, settles down and gives Charlie his points.

"Okay, now back to our fan-made prompts." Schlatt grins, the audience cheers loudly because God knows what they might have wrote. Wilbur still enjoys it, though, so he smiles.

"A person who is desperately in love but oblivious to any useful information." Schlatt reads off, looking up from the card and holding it up. "Whatever the fuck you do with that." He laughs out, and the crowd joined him.

Honestly Schlatt deserved to be in so many of the highlight clips on YouTube and whatnot, he was funny as heck. Even without trying.

The three nod, and it's on.

Quackity giggles, the three shifting around, Wilbur's gaze drifting over to the man in the beanie. Wilbur swallows, and waits as Quackity moves to stand in front of Charlie.

They make eye contact, and Wilbur watches the way the two automatically seem to click together, riding the same wave as Quackity holds a hand out and sets it on Charlie's stand.

"Read me," He says, and now its clear who's playing what role and Wilbur denies the way he nearly blushes. Because he's pretending to be in love.

Charlie grins, getting in character as he nods. "Yes I see, I see," He drags out, eyeing the crowd as Wilbur sits down and listens attentilvly. "You're type in men?" He glances around and Wilbur grins.

"Ahh yes, you like a reasonable, grounded man," Charlie says confidently, holding onto Quackity's wrist and blinking. "And hawt too."

Quackity laughs with a shrug. "Wow, astonishingly accurate."

Wilbur suddenly remembers he has to be acting too, not just starting at Quackity, and clears his throat as he shoots up onto his feet. "Astonishing?"

He walks over to Quackity, ignoring the tug in his chest. "So you like men who are astonishing?"

"I mean, no, we were just-"

"I'm rather astonishing myself", He says, cutting Quackity off. Wilbur holds his hand up, tilting his head to the ceiling confidently. "In fact, I can jump out of a plane, helicopter-" He looks down at Quackity, giving a lazy smile, "Your choice baby." He most definitely has not been wanting to say that. So he carries on effortlessly, waving a hand. "I'll jump without a parachute and land on the ground without getting a bruise."

"Yeah just a death certificate, " Charlie mumbles, and only then does Wilbur remember the crowd as their laughter intensifies.

Wilbur just offers a hand to Quackity. "Sound astonishing enough?"

"Sounds suicidal," Quackity says, crossing his arms and turning to the crowd as he stands up. "Not a fan."

"W-what?" Wilbur pauses, stepping closer to him. "Then what do you like in a man?"

It's all pretend, and the way Quackity rolls his eyes should only be part of the act, and the heat spreading across Wilbur's face at the action should not be real. Yet it almost is, so he has to rewire his brain and listen to Quackity.

"Well, Charlie over here-"

"You're into him?" Wilbur asks loudly, the formulated tone of rejection sinking in his throat as he gestures towards him. Schlatt seems to find that funny, barking out a laugh. Wilbur almost wonders if Schlatt's laughing because the idea of him being rejected is something he always teases about, or if Wilbur isn't doing as bad of a job as he thought he was.

Either way, he doesn't think about it too much as Schlatt claps his hands together. "Time's out, I enjoyed it," He says, chuckling a little. "Especially the last bit."

Wilbur huffs from where he is, sending Schlatt a look that he might not even catch.

Not that it matters. At least the crowd enjoyed it a little. He thought he was doing a poor job compared to his other days on stage.

All because he may or may not have feelings for his friend Quackity.

Okay it's obvious. He does. Wilbur likes him. A lot, too.

And glancing over at him only to see Quackity already looking back at him makes him wonder if Quackity knows if it is just as obvious to him too. And of course, whether it's a good or bad thing if Quackity knew.

But then Quackity smiles, brighter then anything.

And even if Quackity doesn't feel the same, he's pretty certain they'll stay friends.

So Wilbur smiles back.

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now