Need to Know (if you like me the way I like you)

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Yoo, I wrote this a long while ago sooo, yea but you can still have it.
You look like you need some quackbur fluff, so have some :D

Wilbur sat beside Quackity. They had found themselves on Quackity's bed again. Both sat focused on what the projector from Wilbur's house displayed.

Quackity glanced over at Wilbur who was sitting rather than laying down like himself. He felt it difficult to look away. To stop glazing his eyes over every little detail, to not watch Wilbur's throat from this view he had like the weirdo he was. Yeah, it was too difficult. So Quackity raised himself, leaning into Wilbur. Wilbur eyed him at first, with a blush on his face, before going back to watching the movie.

Sadly, throughout the film, Wilbur got hungry and went to eat in the kitchen. When he returned neither of them took the steps to return to their previous positions that were so close to each other. Eventually, the movie ended and they sat there on other sides of the bed.

"Quackity?" Wilbur asked but didn't turn to look at him.

"What?" He perked his head up from the pillow.

Wilbur crossed his legs and leaned against the wall, "How much do you miss Pogtopia?"

Quackity hesitated at first, to think carefully, "Uh," he stalled, "A decent amount."

"Me too," Wilbur's voice was quiet, "What do you miss about it?"

"The community we had. Besides when we had to worry about one of us being a traitor. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like right now if we all just stayed in Pogtopia."

Wilbur glanced over at Quackity who had his arms crossed behind his head, "I miss that too."

"But have you ever thought about that as well?"

"Yes," Wilbur nodded. 

Quackity turned to look back at Wilbur, "Tell me," he said.

 Wilbur blinked, "Tell you what?"

Quackity rolled his eyes, "Don't be stupid Wilbur. Tell me what you think it would be like if we stayed in Pogtopia."

"Oh," Wilbur thought for a moment, "Maybe we- maybe all of us would become an actual country?"


Wilbur smiled, "What do you think?"

"Same thing. A real country full of real and happier people."

'Dumb of me to think something else,' Wilbur averted his gaze from Quackity, 'when you clearly didn't.'

"Anything else?" Wilbur asked. He regretted it, yes, but the dying pain in his throat was too much. The twist in his stomach was too much. Just sitting here with Quackity might be too much.

"Uh, I don't know?" Quackity raised an eyebrow, "Maybe."

"We say maybe too much."

"We do."

Wilbur gave a small smile as Quackity looked at him, "Yea Big Q." 

The other looked down a bit, "Is there anything else for you?"

Wilbur gulped under Quackity's gaze, thinking of anything else that wasn't what he wanted to say. Still, something about the expression on Quackity's face and his dark brown eyes made Wilbur want to give in. So he did, "I'm going to be honest here. If Pogtopia was still a thing I think we would still be a thing. We'd still be together maybe."

Quackity's facial expression only changed for a second before he averaged his eyes to the empty wall, "You're probably not wrong."

"Probably?" Wilbur tried to keep his gaze off of Quackity, failing of course. 

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now