sneak peeks I suppose 👀

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some stuff from my vampire oneshot i'm somewhat working on(so yes, spoilers i guess.) just don't know when I'll be finished with it, i've got something irl coming up that will keep me busy once more (but i do have stuff planned  for you guys)

Quackity swallows, awkwardly looking down at his phone. His neighbor steps back and Quackity picks it up, examining it, flipping it over, gathering the tangly cord of his earbuds, and trying to avoid looking at him as he turns off his flashlight. He doesn't even know why, but he cannot bring himself to it. "Looks like it's fine."

"Thankfully." His neighbor then claps his hands, making his gaze snap up to see the way his neighbor's brown eyes seem to pour into his skull, upper lip twitching before he blinks like he's shoving something out of sight with the action. "Well, enjoy your... run? I'm guessing."

Quackity nods. And only because he knows it's something his mom would probably want him to do, he smiles politely. "Yes, and enjoy wherever you're headed off to."

"Ah, yes, dinner waits for me. Whatever I stumble upon first," He says with a wave, and Quackity knows the nearest building in the area that serves food would be the small, crumbling redbrick building that declares itself a humbly ran restaurant, always smelling of grease and for some reason, oil and gasoline. It's a walk that can easily be done in under fifteen minutes, even faster if he's eager enough.

So now they're parting ways, Quackity out for a night jog and his neighbor to a "restaurant" with way too many items on the menu, at least half of them are fried foods.

Faintly, when Quackity's playlist tumbles into his ears as he moves across the dancing shadows of trees in the wind, he might remember something about the possibility of seeing red in his neighbor's eyes, barely there but simmering nonetheless.

He doesn't think about it for more than three seconds though, because a raccoon suddenly darts across the dirt trail in front of him, eyes appearing yellow in the dark, and absolutely scaring the shit out of him.

Quackity scrunches up his face and raises his shoulder with a shrug. "Just ask them?"

Wilbur scoffs, sparing a small sarcastic smile. "Yeah, that's exactly how I feed on humans. I go up and ask Hey mate, can bite you for some of your blood?"

Quackity neck tingles down to his spine despite himself, mismatching eyes locking with Wilbur's brown ones, something tugging at his chest. "Yes," He blurts, Wilbur's smugness falteringly subsiding.

"What?" Wilbur pauses, fully turning his body to face him. Quackity swallows, nodding his head.

"It doesn't kill them, right?" Quackity questions, refusing the urge to nervously bite his cheek.

"Well-" Wilbur huffs, he opens his mouth, but only clenches his teeth with a hiss. "Yeah, it doesn't but-"

"Okay then." Quackity gestures towards himself, open and inviting, not thinking about going back now and caving into a single doubt. He tilts his head away, a wordless offer, but still opens his mouth with mustered up confidence. "Bite me."

His eyes flicker back to Wilbur as a beat of silence passes, it's almost frustrating because he can so clearly see the way Wilbur's fingers twitch wantingly, eyes trying to avoid any centimeter of Quackity's skin.

"I shouldn't," He says simply, stiff and attempting to be dismissive.

"I'm asking you to." Quackity assures.

But Wilbur's quick to refuse, shaking his head a little. "It could hurt you."

"I'm not scared," Quackity states stubbornly, still, he can't deny the hairs sticking up on his skin, near jittery. But hey, he's not lying. It's not out of fear.

It's out of uncontrolled interest and yeah, okay, attraction.

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