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Here is a short little drabble thing while I work on some stuff :D

Sorry it's short LOL, I am currently writing longer stuff don't worry. Also, I have a new work on ao3 but... surprise surprise, it isn't in the whole Minecraft fandom, still, if any of you end up reading it that'd be really nice.  https://archiveofourown.org/works/43510491

That's the link, but also, the title is:  Just One Touch Would Be Enough, It'd Be Everything

Quackity kept his posture straight, even with Wilbur's height leaning over him in a supposedly invasive way. In all honesty, Quackity didn't feel so intimidated but rather... exposed. In an odd way that he didn't feel so often. Like Wilbur could pick him apart right now right here and he couldn't do anything about it. Which was odd, because Wilbur was Wilbur and Quackity was Quackity, and for a change, Quackity didn't seem to have any upper hand here (at least in his opinion, which Wilbur would sometimes say was either egotistical or optimistic).

They were in his own house yet Wilbur had managed to now have Quackity cornered. Literally. The fire crackled and sparked in the background as Quackity's back pressed right up against the bookshelf behind him and his eyes darted up to meet Wilbur's.

He could only stand there and wait and wonder as Wilbur gazed down at him, brown eyes flickering with thought and damn, Quackity really wanted to know what he was thinking. He swallowed down his nerves- except he totally wasn't nervous, and held his ground.

"Do you need something or what?" He asked bluntly, making sure to sharpen his tone so it almost boarded on annoyed or upset but not fully there yet. But strangely enough, Wilbur's face only softened as he stepped closer into Quackity's space as if there wasn't enough lack of that between them already.

"I was just thinking," Wilbur started and Quackity rewarded himself when he noticed the very quick second of hesitancy that flashed over Wilbur's face, almost uncatchable to others. "If you invited me to your house, set up a nice fire to make such a warm atmosphere and even dressed up a little," With those words Wilbur brought a hand up to the ruffle-tie neck Quackity had put on before opening the door for Wilbur and the man fluffed it up a little before continuing, "I was just starting to think you wanted something rather than a little talk." He finished, just barely tugging on the decorative tie.

Quackity went over his thought process and hated how he found himself debating whether it was true. Did Wilbur really know and not even himself? It wasn't far off, to be fair. He did dress up just a bit only because Wilbur was coming over. Maybe he did set up a fire to try and warm up the room and the mood. But surely that didn't mean anything and other people do that when somebody that pisses them off comes over to their house. But of course, Quackity wouldn't even admit to doing any of those.

So instead he raised his shoulders defensively, "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."

Wilbur only tilted his head, examining Quackity. "Oh but I think you do, Quackity."

"Maybe," Quackity said, lifting his chin slightly.

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now