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Sorry ao3 got it a day before you guys but here's a lil drabble :D

Quackity quite likes Saturday evenings, he thinks.

He thinks he likes them because he can sit here, his body partly thrown over Wilbur's own, lazily slouched like it could be possibleto relax far enough to the point he starts to melt into Wilbur.

Saturday is also so versatile, one of them could be spent high off of laughter and shouting out lyrics he only half knows with a group of friends- and Wilbur, just one circle in a sphere of people, except Quackity isn't sure if that even makes sense.

Others can be spend how he currently spends the day, slow and peaceful. Not a rush or push of the wind, just him and Wilbur. It feels like for a moment, they're the only thing to exist for at least twenty miles but it's okay because they have each other.

One arm dangling off Wilbur's shoulder, back of his palm grazing the side of the couch, Quackity presses a kiss to Wilbur's cheek and huffs out of amusement and humor, a gentle kiss and then another.

"It's raining outside," He says, fairly distracted as he lifts his head, meeting Wilbur's eyes, not holding too much interest in the weather. Wilbur can detect this much, smiles warmly, and squeezes his other wrist with tender intentions.

"Good, then," Wilbur replies. "We can continue to stay inside and have no excuse for it."

Quackity considers this and nods. "True." He hums. "And I think the weather is usually good the day after it rains, y'know?"

"I do." Wilbur confirms, then blinks before giving a smug look. "You said it the last time it rained."

Quackity shrugs as best as he can in his position and chuckles. "Ay, at least you know I'm consistent."

"Eh, you have a struggle trying to decide what you wanna eat-"

"Besides that now." Quackity dismisses with a pat on Wilbur's bicep. "You still haven't told me how that one story ends."

"You could read it for yourself, Q," Wilbur suggest, as he always does. And just like so, as always, Quackity shakes his head.

"Not today," He tells him. And by that he actually means probably never because it's much better to listen to Wilbur explain it instead. He doesn't reveal this, of course. "Today is do-nothing-Saturday."

Which he likes.

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now