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A//N: listen, the title is a game. anyway. Been pretty busy lately, trynna get back on working on my zombie au soo I'm warming myself up with some drabbles, oh and I'm working on some oneshots too soo

Wilbur's eyes switch between Quackity and the random citizen they're playing with, watching for any traces of doubt on their face as Quackity slides three cards face down onto the pile.

He pays close attention to the way Quackity moves, how his face shifts as he looks up at Wilbur saying, "Three eights."

Wilbur holds back from biting his tongue, rushing to flip through his own cards to see if he has an eight. Sure enough he does, a singular eight. He refrains from inhaling and slowly looks up at the citizen. Do they have an eight as well? That would mean Quackity's lying. Though, there is a possibility he's just telling the truth. Wilbur eyes Quackity again, silently examining him.

And because he knows Quackity, a fire sparks up when he sees Quackity ever so slightly, near unnoticeable from any other set of eyes, Quackity purses his lips forward, looking like he's about ready to cringe up and say, "Ready to pucker me up?" before his face is back to his poker-faced expression.

Wilbur can't hold back a sly grin, sitting up straight and pointing one finger down on the table.

"That's bullshit, Quackity," He says proudly, relishing in the way Quackity's eyelashes flutter and his lips curl downwards into a tight, dismissing frown.

"Really?" He asks sarcastically, he knows he's been caught, and he absolutely hates it. Wilbur, however, loves seeing Quackity pissed of in any game of cards.

So he nods firmly, flipping up the three cards Quackity set down to reveal one eight and two threes. Wilbur breathes out a quite, soft chuckle as Quackity groans, slumping into his seat and rolling his eyes in reluctance.

"Seems I was right," Wilbur says merrily, so self-satisfied it has Quackity biting his lip as he begrudgingly drags the whole pile towards himself, muttering something unaudible under his breath that Wilbur hums at. "Whatcha say, dear?"

Quackity pauses his actions to spare a moment and glare at Wilbur, but it's too halfhearted. Still, he shakes his head. "I said you're a pain in the ass."

Wilbur presses his lips into a thin line to supress a laughing snort, settling on nodding at Quackity, winking too. "You bet I am."

Quackity doesn't quite catch on at that moment, nor does the stranger care to listen to their bickering since their first experience with it some rounds ago. No, it's only thirty seconds later when Wilbur sees Quackity furrow his brow in thought, then watch the realization set in as Quackity blinks, instantly turning to Wilbur with a scrunched up face of disliking.

It's a fun time really, even when Wilbur starts focusing more on distracting Quackity than winning so Quackity's unphased citizen ends up taking the dub this time.

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now