Nothing Stupid

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Hello guys sorry its been a minute. I promise I have things in the works such as the vampire oneshot, 5th Ideally I'd By With You chapter, another oneshot I wrote 6000 words for last night because motivation hit me harder then a bus. So here is a drabble while you wait. Also, there is a discord server we can all hang out at (some of us have been) and the link is posted in the announcements. But this is also it

"You're stupid," Quackity says again, arms crossed.

Wilbur laughs, splaying across a bright sky blue couch in a furniture store. Admittedly, it happens to a bit of an ugly couch, but Wilbur just smiles, throwing his arms over the edge. "I like it," He tells his boyfriend, carefully thinking before he has to hide his smile and distantly mumble, "Maybe more than you."

Quackity gasps and then as Wilbur is already fighting off a grin. Then, he hears Quackity walk up to him and firmly plant his hands on his hips.

"What did you say?" He questions, but doesn't leave time to answer as he whips around, head tilted up. "Guess we're never getting a cat then."

Wilbur frowns, sitting up and tugging Quackity. "Shit, okay, okay, I'm sorry. I take it back. My jokes aren't funny." He adds the last bit with a very unconvinced grumble. He is decent when it comes to his sense of humor, not all that bad. At least he thinks so.

Quackity pauses, then grins. "Good, also this couch is ugly."

"Maybe it is." Wilbur shrugs. "But we need something to fight your absolute whimsical beauty, love-" Quackity just swats his head in the back and he only somewhat doges it. "Ow!"

"I am not going to fall for your flattery, if you could even call it that." Quackity warns, eyeing a couch in the distance that seems a fair size. "Let's go, Prince Charmless."

"Hey-" But Quackity's hurrying off and Wilbur has to scramble to maneuver off the couch and set his lanky limbs properly so he can chase after him. He sticks himself back to Quackity's hip when he catches him, and rests a hand on his shoulder. "I'll have you know that I am very charming, and it's not just flattery, it's honesty poured into words." He hums dramatically with a hand on his chest. "You see?"

"No, I'm actually blind." Quackity deadpans, making Wilbur scoff.

"In one eye." Then, he takes a look at the couch Quackity seems to like, and pretends to gag. "Seen better places to sit when I was lost in the woods for five days, let's keep looking."

Wilbur was literally never lost in the woods for even one full day, maybe two hours at most, and Quackity scowls at him.

"Nothing impractical, Will."

Wilbur nods with a thumbs up.

So of course the next thing he suggests is a pineapple themed couch with white decor pillows that costs thousands more than a normal couch.

Quackity says no because he has no heart, Wilbur tells him, and his boyfriend just presses a quick kiss to his lips and calls him ridiculous.

Okay one last thing, Simple here. Ideally I'd With You will only have five chapters unless you guys want the bonus 6th, which would be smut. It wouldn't be all that graphic though, to keep the fic becoming anything more then mature. But let me know if you want the sixth one or not

 Anywho hopefully some oneshots and chapters will be out this week and you're always welcome to join the discord server!

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