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Trying start daily drablles if you guys are into that

"Absolutely not."

Wilbur frowns at Quackity's words, head resting in the palm of his hands, elbows on the table as he lazily glances at the wall. "Well I don't want to."

Quackity pauses, then scoffs, stopping right behind Wilbur's seat and crossing his arms. "Well, neither do I."

"Please." Wilbur looks up at him, offering him a smile that's supposed to persuade him into listening. "Can you cook dinner tonight?"

"I did like, two nights ago," Quackity grumbles, but his hand reaches down to run through Wilbur's hair softly as he waves with the other. "Just order some food if you're so hungry, Wilbur."

"Hey, you said you were starving, I simply said hungry. So if anything, you should." Wilbur states, then promptly leans into the touch. Their actions really don't match with their words. However, the thought never comes across either of their minds as Quackity rolls his eyes.


Wilbur grimaces, moving his head away with a huff. "I seriously just explained why."

"But you never cook." Quackity complains, opting on sitting down next to Wilbur and blinking up at him. "So you should make us something tonight."

"I don't cook for a reason," Wilbur says firmly, then, slouches in his seat dismissively. "Seems you're gonna have to figure something out."

Quackity groans, then stands up. "No you are."

"No you-"

"I'll go order something," Quackity says grumpily, accepting his fate as he pulls out his phone. Wilbur grins widely, humming with the feeling of victory.

"Lovely, thanks babe."

"I'm buying a bag of raisins that will arrive in about three days." Quackity tells him plainly, tapping away at his phone as Wilbur's face darkens and he fake gags.

"What?" He snaps his head towards his boyfriend. "Are you serious?"

Quackity almost hides his smile, but Wilbur catches it as Quackity shrugs. "Why not."

Wilbur makes a face, deadpan sort of look like Quackity might just be the dumbest person.

"Uh, because they're gross," He says. "For one. And two, we need the food now."

"Then I guess you better make something, we have ingredients for like, a lot of shit."

Wilbur frowns, stares at Quackity, then squints off into the distance. Silence drags on, Quackity scrolls on his phone in between his expectant glances at Wilbur.

Then, Wilbur sighs, long and loud. Quackity curiously lookd up as he waits.

"But I'm lazy-" Wilbur just slouches into his chair and Quackity groans with frustration, grumpily muttering to himself in Spanish as he stuffs his phone into his pocket and heads for the kitchen with a scowl.

He whips around halfway though, tossing Wilbur a mean look. "You're awful, you know that?" He tells him, a hand on his hip, the other pointing a finger right at Wilbur. "I hope you do. Hope you know how awful you really are."

Wilbur hums, slithering out of his seat and placing a hand on Quackity's shoulders, looking away and closing his eyes. "Fine," He says dramatically, defeated, tilting his head up as he faces Quackity. "I will help you cook dinner, dear Quackity."

Quackity gives him a dirty look, probably too hungry, tired of Wilbur, and shrugs him off. "Okay good." He sounds angry, but when they reach the counter and Wilbur is standing right behind him, reaching up into a cabinet, Quackity ends up blushing.

"You're doing most of it." Quackity huffs, back against Wilbur's chest as he looks up. There's a hint of a smile. Wilbur laughs, grinning, and presses a kiss to his lips.

"Sure thing, love."

Quackity steps on his foot. "I mean it, Will."

Wilbur moves back, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "Yeesh, I got it. Understood."

"Okay then, grab us a pan, honey." Quackity uses the name just a little bitterly, he doesn't mean it genuinely though, so it's funny, and Wilbur salutes before going to grab one.

He places it on the counter and stops in front of a thinking Quackity, wrapping his arms around his waist. "So what are we thinking of making? He asks, Quackity looking up at him just as he registers Wilbur's tone, which he knows to well as he shakes his head and lets Wilbur pull him in with a mischievous smile on his face. "Because there is some sugar in this kitchen, if you know what I mea-"

Quackity easily pushes Wilbur back gently, grinning teasingly at him. "Keep dreaming, Wilbur. Not tonight."

Wilbur, ever so dramatic, holds his chest where Quackity pressed his hands, head hanging low. "Ah yes, of course." He holds a hand up. "No worries, I am fine though. Just a broken heart."

Quackity laughs warmly at that, walking over to the fridge. "You're dumb."

Wilbur stands up properly, eyes fixed on the wall. "Simply lovely," He grumbles, but still ends up joining Quackity with a cheery mood- and of course a flirtatious manner that has Quackity rolling his eyes despite the flutter of his heart.

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now