For Now: part two

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A//N: Heyo, been a while. Anyway this a part two to the previous chapter so just in case you didn't read that yet you might wanna

Part two: It's Not Like That Unless It Is

Here's the deal, not many people knew because nobody was really around to know, but, Quackity had just kissed then danced with Wilbur a whole three days ago.

And he doesn't know what to do about it.

So, him being a busy president of a country with a max of... what six? Maybe five. Five citizens. Being the president who's in charge of five whole citizens who are hardly around is very consuming and exhausting.

So he is rather occupied these days, too busy to interact Wilbur but not busy enough to do a good job at distancing himself from the revived man.

But really, he's just hiding away and drowning in thoughts he doesn't want. Because thinking about Wilbur leads to that day in the casino which leads to words like feelings which ends up in a pit of ex lovers. Not that Wilbur is his lover- or he loves Wilbur, of course, let's be reasonable.

It was just one kiss and lots of other kisses and soft touches and even softer smiles and dancing with each other, just them and only-

Okay, so he might have been thinking about it ever since Wilbur left. But that's not because he feels something more for Wilbur, surely, certainly. Right?

Quackity shakes his head, it's not like he felt anything for the guy. It's not like Wilbur's one of the few people that takes time out of their day to speak to him (even if just to toss banter around the whole time). It's not like the needle tower was both of their favorite spot in Las Nevadas, becoming a strange sort of peace zone for the two of them since what? A whole two months before any of this. It's not like Quackity wishes he was standing on that tower right now, those nights where the two allowed a break in character and chatted peacefully and quietly under the night sky or rising sun.

Yeah, it's not like Wilbur isn't all that bad and more good. Like really good and one of the few people Quackity actually has. Prime no, Quackity doesn't look forward to seeing him sometimes either.

Right now that statement holds a lot of truth (not that it didn't before, of course), currently, he was spacing himself from Wilbur in complete doubt of what would happen. Plus, not that it means anything, but he can't picture Wilbur's face without thinking about his soft lips and totally not funny jokes. So who knows what his mind would come up with if he saw the man in person and not just his imagination.

It's fine, really, Wilbur probably isn't stressing over it so he shouldn't be. He also really shouldn't be thinking about a certain chain around his neck, two gold rings tucked underneath his collar and a dull reminder of something he can't have.

Like feelings for Wilbur, there's no way he can have them. Prime knows what's happened when Quackity did get feelings for someone.

Itchy business suits and strained smiles, pushed to the side as an optional acsessory and too many cheap bear bottles. That wasn't a good time.

But then he found two opposites in love that were ever so welcoming to him in a new polyamourus, everything was balanced and overly sweet, he had found heaven. Only to leave him with a new emptiness, his halo gone with his lovers, it doesn't feel good.

Yup, 'doesn't', because Quackity's not so sure he's over them. Which is funny, because thinking about it, he really doesn't know he got with them in the first place. Everyone knows the pairing sugar and spice, Karl and Sapnap. But that's it, it's just sugar and spice. Not a single other thing. And honestly, what would Quackity be in the relationship?

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